Prologue: Ghost Of The Past III

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Ever wonder why I never mention my family in the first place? I think you already know the reason why. If not, well... I'll keep it simple; they were killed by Grimms...

Before I met Roman, I had a family once. We live a normal and happy life, on a farm, away from the city... Away from everything... Until this happens...

What I'm about to tell you is a story of a young boy who lost his parents, the day where I told my team everything...

That night...





















Ghost From The Past III (I'm sorry everyone... I couldn't protect you all...)


7 years ago...

It was nighttime, Lloyd and his entire family had just gotten back from the town of Vale until his father said they need to pack up their things and leave the house as he sensed danger coming. They have a huge cart filled with their things, and it is pulled by two horses. They were traveling through a forest, covered in snow.

Lloyd: "Dad, are you sure we're leaving the house behind?"

Dad: "Yes son, we can't stay there any longer."

Lloyd: But why?"

Big Brother: "Just do what Dad said and keep moving, it's for our own safety."

Lloyd: "Okay."

They then continued walking in silence.

Lloyd's mom then stoped his father, letting him and his brother go ahead first.

Mom: "Are you sure you're not going to tell him everything?"

Dad: "No, it's better not to."

Mom: "But how long are we going to keep our secret from him? One day he needs to be ready to become a huntsman to defend Remnant-"

Dad: "There will be a time he will know everything, just not today. I'm trying to keep him safe, away from harm... Away from her."

Mom: "If what you think is best for him."

Lloyd's father smiled, followed by his mother shortly after then caught up with Lloyd and his big brother, who were busy talking and laughing.

Just then...

Dad: "Stop."

Lloyd's father stopped the horses as he said this, which both Lloyd and his brother stopped and looked at him confused.

Lloyd: "What is it, Dad?"

Lloyd's father did not respond as he sensed something...

Dad: "Oh no..."

RWBY Volume 3: When It All Falls Down (Ruby Rose x Male OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt