"I don't understand children," He said as he stood. The little girl extended her arms at Artemis, sending a signal that she wanted to be carried by Artemis. Artemis was reluctant at first but ultimately folded when the little girl persisted. Why was he reluctant? Well, because he did not want to carry a child.

Artemis took her by the shoulders and carried her. He stood up to analyze the integrity of the walls and search for possible points to exploit but the little girl sidetracked him. Instead, Artemis and the little girl just stared at the city across the huge river, gazed at the entrance bridge and the long line that stretched to as far as the eye can see.

While they gazed, Artemis began to feel something inside him unlock. He felt it but could not determine what it was to be exact. There was a clue, however, laid down before him by the little girl. The little girl turned her head and looked at Artemis. At first, she had a curious look on her face and then she smiled at him.


And Artemis smiled at her too.

" 😐..... :) "

Artemis had his first genuine smile over something that was not killing, that was not destruction, that was not bloodshed or war. He smiled because of the little girl.

Then he remembered, he still addressed her as 'child' or 'little girl' or 'Little One' . Artemis did not know her name, and so, he asked her.

"Little One, tell me your name," He said.

The little girl's smile faded and she looked down on the ground.


"I don't have a name," She said.

Artemis was stunned, a little girl without a name. No wonder she did not bother to correct Artemis when he called her in general.

"Then, I'll give a name. If you wish?"

The little then looked up and her eyes glowed once again. She smiled and said.


Seeing the happiness of the girl, Artemis came to the conclusion that a name must be very special for a village girl. Maybe it was some sort of tradition? To be given a name must be a sacred practice. Huh, a random stranger like me giving her a name, how awkward that is, he thought.

Artemis thought for a second, if he was to name her, it should be something that would strike fear into the hearts of any enemy. Artemis had made up his mind at this point, he would personally oversee this young one and along with her, train in the arts of magic. She would be a great pawn for him in the future, but for now, he needed to cultivate her talent, if she had any.

"I will name you.." After much deliberation in his head, he named her:


Wait! He thought. He just realized that Alice did not really sound as threatening as he had hoped it would when he said it. No! Wait! Not that! He wanted to take it back and choose another.


The little girl had just embraced it.

"I am, Alice!"

Her smile was even brighter than before and her eyes glowed like the sun, they literally glowed. They glowed a yellow light that shined brighter than the sun in the sky. It would have blinded Artemis if he was a normal man. But he could bear it, it was no big deal for him.

The Way of the Future: Age of Machines(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now