Vol 5 - New Start -

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"We made it." The group arrived on the campus ground of Haven Academy.

Inside a hallway, The team is following Qrow, and Ruby calls out for anyone. Y/n tries to shout louder but the school seems quite.

"This isn't right. Come on." Qrow hurries ahead.

The team picks up the pace to catch up, and soon, The group are running to a pair of wooden double doors. Qrow comes to a stop in front of them, draws his sword, and extends the blade.

Y/n transforms into his Ultimate Form, Yuii holds a suspended ki blast on his hand while Erin goes Super Partial Manifastation.

Partial Manifastation is to partially manifest Super Saiyan power in their base form without actually turning into a Super Saiyan. The user powers up, gaining a golden aura and Super Saiyan-like hair without actually transforming into the state. This earned the advantage if the user likes to keep quite of himself without have to scream to transform.

Qrow brings up his foot and kicks the door open. Just on the other side, Leonardo Lionheart widens his eyes, throws his hands into the air, and lets out a frightened scream. In a condition of a shock, Erin throws a ki blast at him. As it collides with Leo, he was throwned to the other side of the room, unconscious.

"I AM SO SO SORRY!!" Erin yells out, Yuii sighs.

After Leo wakes up, Erin apologized properly and they continued their current bussines.

"A pleasure to meet you all. Leonardo Lionheart, at your service. I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away until classes resume, but--"

Hearing this, Qrow briefly clenches his fists and then leans in toward Lionheart.

"What? Leo, you can't be serious. Who's guarding the Relic?"

"I have to say, Qrow, this all seems very reckless, even for you."

"No, reckless is leaving one of the Relics completely unguarded. It's like not checking in with Oz for ages!"


"Come on, kids."

They all begin to file out of the room. at the rear, Y/n and Ayame turns around to face Lionheart again. The two gave a quick stare at him, before leaving and following Qrow along.

"You all head back to the house. I need a drink." Qrow told them.

"Can I go too?" Yuii asked, as he followed him.

"You're not 21."

"I'm just thirsty."

He walks off, leaving the seven teenagers looking at each other with concern.

Then, Y/n, Ruby and Ayame were sitting on a pair of red couches in a living room when there's a knock on the door. they tense and look at each other before Erin cautiously goes to open it with a suspense energy blast on her hand.

Oscar is on the other side, looking hesitant.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Um... yeah. Is there a Ruby Rose here?"

As soon as he said that, Ayame pulled her pin, Erin's energy blast became bigger, and Y/n summons his energy blade. while the others goes devensive.

"Why?" Y/n's whole body glows white.

Oscar looks to his left and Qrow appears, moving drunkenly and grabbing Oscar by the shoulders.

"I found him!" The birdy said.

Qrow snorts into his hand and continues laughing as he stumbles into the house. Yuii follows with a sigh.

"I think her uncle could use some help." Oscar said

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