Vol 1 - Helping Hand -

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the rest of Team RWBY have begun searching for Blake. Ruby and Yang defends Blake and want to hear her side of the story. (you know the story)

However, Weiss, shocked by the thought of her family's enemy being so close and right under her nose, still sees Blake as a criminal and suggests getting the police to help locate her, an idea which is instantly and firmly rejected.

As they talk, Penny Polendina appears behind the group, startling them. She then asks what the team is doing. They mention looking for Blake and how she has been missing since Friday, leading Penny to vow to help find her.

Ruby tries to brush her off, but when she turns to Weiss and Yang for help, she finds that they have left her with Penny.

Ruby, still alone with Penny, tries to explain the situation happening with Weiss and Blake, but Penny struggles to understand if Weiss and Blake are friends or not, as she does not have a lot of friends.

When Ruby says that Blake did not talk to them before running away, Penny states that if she did have a friend, she would want them to talk to her, which Ruby sadly agrees with.

That night, Blake and Sun Wukong meet on a rooftop at the port for their stakeout, watching over a huge shipment of Schnee Dust Company Dust from Atlas.

A Bullhead lands and several White Fang members come out. Blake admits to Sun that she did believe that White Fang was behind the crimes, but did not want to be right.

Roman Torchwick then exits the airship and orders the White Fang members around, referring to them as animals. Knowing that the White Fang would never work with a human, Blake is shocked and confused.

Roman then shoots down a hanging shipping container, which lands between Sun and Blake as they dive out of the way. He takes this chance to corner Sun, aiming his cane at him.

"Hey!" Ruby calls

Ruby appears on the rooftop overlooking them, Crescent Rose extended and ready for action.

"Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?" Roman waves his hand

Ruby looks behind, then above her, seeing some kind of aura flying towards Roman. while her attention is diverted, Roman snarls and fires his cane at her, launching the young Huntress-in-training back from the explosion's force and sending her scythe flying away

Roman gives off a professional-level evil laugh at his attack on the young girl.

Then, Y/n came flying towards them. wearing his alternative outfit.

 wearing his alternative outfit

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He lands on the ground. Y/n raises his index finger. a small circular-purple Ki ball appears on his finger, then it fires a beam and slices the area from right to left. Roman's mens got caught from the beam and they, well, ded.


Photon Swipe

Y/n fires an energy wave from his hand, can move the angle to up, down, right, and left.


Y/n, with his precision and strength augmented by his Ultimate form, delivers a powerful punch that launches a massive shockwave from the vibrations of his fist. The shockwave is capable of crossing great distances upon execution.

The shockwave hits Roman and knocks him to a ship.

Three bullheads comes from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Y/n merely forms an energy shield and launches two energy spears to the ships.

Several bright lasers crack the pavement when they fire at the transports, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting Ruby watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind her.

Stunned, she turns back to Y/n who attached an energy string at the remaining Bullheads holding the crate of Dust and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.

"Whoa... How exactly is he even doing that?" Ruby watches in awe.

Seeing the Bullhead's fall under Y/n's control, Roman gets up, grimaces and turns to run towards the pilot.

"These kids just keep getting weirder!"

With Roman's observation made, he uses his cane to close the doors, and the jet lifts off, flying away from the battle.

Later, a handful of police cars are at the docks, where the group thanked Y/n for saving capturing these dusts robber.

After the fight, Weiss and Yang rejoin the group, and Ruby tries to resolve the conflict between Weiss and Blake.

However, Weiss states that in the twelve hours that she has been looking for Blake, she has had time to think and has come to the decision that she does not care about Blake's past, saying instead that the next time something big happens, she should talk to her teammates about it, instead of relying on a stranger.

Blake agrees and slightly sheds a tear, and Weiss then tells Sun that she still does not know how she feels about him. Ruby is happy that the team is back together, but then notices that Penny is missing.

Meanwhile, Ozpin is seen holding a Scroll showing a "LIVE FEED" of Y/n at the docks. He closes the video and opens up a communication with Qrow, whose team name and other information is left blank and his only message is: "QUEEN HAS PAWNS."


The scenes cuts to a view of Beacon Academy bathed in the light of the nearly-full moon as a picture of a certain someone appeared on the background. The screen then fades to black.


• Y/n can create all of things made out of Ki, even strings!

• See you in Volume 2!

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