Vol 1 - Mid Challenge -

903 13 20

As Y/n grabs a relic, two people shows up. one a guy and one a girl. "Heyy. I think I've seen you before."

He waves. "Oh. She's my sister. I'm Yoku Yoshioka. by the way." He introduced.

"Call me Yuii tho!"

OC; Fishuru

"..." The girl looks away.

"You're a Yosh-"

"No, I'm not a Yoshi."

"Oh come on, cheer up! I want to know what weapons and techniques you two have!" Y/n excitedly teleports to them, somehow.

"Right. I have this." Yuii grabs something from his back and shows him his katana. It had circular shaped with 4 slight indentations, the center has a silver tone with small triangles and has a crimson red border.

"Oh wow." Y/n was a bit uninterested because it was a typical sword he sees every day.

"Now how about you?" He then glances at the girl, but was interrupted.

"I have one more thing!" Yuii shouts.


"Kaio..-ken!!" Yuii yells out.

"Kai-o wha-" He was interrupted by the massive red-hot aura surrounding Yuii.

"Kai-o wha-" He was interrupted by the massive red-hot aura surrounding Yuii

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"Woah, what the hell is that?!" Y/n looks facinated. "It's a technique my family created. it boost my speed tremendously!" Yuii does a flip.

"And I am one of the 7 Saiyans (remember this) that born here in Remnant. that's why I could fly for a limited time, and create energies out of my own hands. erm, consider yourself pretty lucky meeting me." The sword user explained.

"Welp, it's a thing that I am too." Y/n said, which surprised him.

"Wait, wha-" he transformed to his full-potential state. covered in white glowing aura.

Yuii and the girl widened their eyes, surprised that Y/n was born a Saiyan as well

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Yuii and the girl widened their eyes, surprised that Y/n was born a Saiyan as well.

"It is just a semblance, but this aura you're seeing? this is not dust. this is pure saiyan energy!" He explains.

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