Chapter Fifty-Nine

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School was over. Michael came back. I couldn't tell him about what's my father is planning. I had to tell my father that Luna knows or he could kill Michael. Things are getting worse. Luna is spending her summer holidays in a dungeon alone. But I would visit her everyday

"I'm so sorry Luna." I said. "It's ok Y/N. You just wanted your brother to be safe. If I was in your shoes, I would do the same thing." She said

I wish I could hug her but I don't have the key to the lock

"I swear I'm gonna get you out." I said

She smiles at me

"I'll be back later." I said

"Ok bye." She said with her sweet voice

I went back upstairs. I went to my father's bedroom to talk to him. I knocked on the door

"Come in!" He said from the other side

I walked in. Merlin he's room was dark

"Father..." I said


"Can you please let Luna go? She can stay here but can she get out the dungeon? She looks sick. Michael loves her. And if he finds out something bad happened to her and that we took us, he'll never forgive us." I said

He was quiet

"Please?" I said

"Alright fine. But tomorrow I'll let her go. She'll be with you but she leaves this house it would be the end of her." He said

"Thank you." I said

I went back to the dungeon. When I told Luna that she got excited

"Does Michael knows I'm down here?" She asked


Her face went from excited to upset


"But don't worry you'll see him tomorrow. He'll be mad at me and my father but he'll be happy to see you." I said


"I'll be here when it's time." I said

"I got a question for you Y/N?" She said

"What is it?"

"Why are you caring about me?" She asked

"Your the love of my little brother. Your pretty much family. So yes I do care about you now that your part of the family." I said

She gives me a smile

"Alright I'll check on you tomorrow. Bye." I said

"Bye Y/N."

I went back upstairs. I was gonna check on Draco but he needed space. I know he's feeling down right now. He loves Harry but they needed to end things for the better. I just walked passed his room and went to Michael

I knocked on the door

"Come in!" He said

I walked in

"What you doing?" I asked

"Writing a letter to Luna. She hasn't sent a letter and I'm getting worry." He said


Shit. I want to tell him so badly but he'll just snap. Oh fuck it. He has to know. Luna is his girlfriend

"Michael. Come with me. I gotta show you something." I said

He looks at me concerned. Let's hope he doesn't get mad at me. We went down to the basement

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