Chapter Three

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Me and Narcissa went downstairs, ready to leave even though we're one hour early. My father wanted all three of us to be early. I was scared for my life. The house elf's were bringing our suitcases down stairs.

"Goodbye sweetheart be good." Narcissa said to Draco with her sweet voice. "I will mother don't worry." Draco said.

"Okay let's go we don't have time for this." My father said with an annoying voice.

We said our goodbyes to Narcissa and then we left the Manor.

We got the train station, there some people but there weren't a lot.

"Draco?" I said nervously. "Do think this going to be a good idea?" While playing with my fingers. "Yes, I hope this will be a good idea." He said while looking at me.

"Ahh this will be fun isn't it guys" Michael said while having a smirk on his face. "No it won't" I said while rolling my eyes at him.

So fifty minutes past and the train was almost coming and the train station was packed there were a lot of people.

So the train came and we went to the back of the train with the other slytherins. I sat next to my brother and Draco.

"Hey!" I heard a sweet voice from behind. "Hey Draco who are these new people." The girl said. "Oh... these are Y/N and Michael." Draco said. "Okay but do they have a last name?" She said while have a curious face. "Yes their last name is Riddle."

I looked at her, her eyes grew bigger when she heard our last name. "Oh... uhh well welcome to Hogwarts." She said nervously.

"Thank you" I said while having a smile on my face. If people know my last name I think this mission will be easy, no one will be interrupting.

"My name is Pansy Parkinson and I'll show you guys around." She said with a smile.

"Okay well I'm Michael." He said while flirting with Pansy. I whisper to my brother's ear saying "Can you not, we're here for one reason don't fucking mess things up." He said "Okay I'll try not too." While laughing.

So I met some friend of Draco their all pretty great, their all funny and fun to be around.

Hours past by and we got to Hogwarts I was tired I just wanted to go to bed and sleep.

We got off the train grabbing my belongings as we're all walking going to the school I bumped myself into someone tall who smell like flowers and honey. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." He said with a sweet smile. "Oh it's okay it's fine I was the one who didn't see you I was distracted." I said.

"Let me help you, wait are you new here?" He said. "Yeah I'm new." I said "I'm Neville Longbottom and what's your name?" He said nicely. "I'm Y/N Ri-."

When I was about to say my last name Draco called me. "Longbottom are you bothering her?" He said while smiling. "No he wasn't Draco now leave him the fuck alone don't mind him but I'll see you around bye Neville." I said smiling and waving at him. "Bye" I heard him say.

So we got inside the school. Me and my brother got sorted into our house and we're in slytherins. Professor McGonagall didn't even said our last name I think she was scared too I mean I'm scared about my last name too but I don't care anymore. As I was walking down the aisle I saw Harry Potter talking with his friends. Then I saw Neville sitting with his friends I waved at him and he waved back, he is a sweet kid.

"Y/N don't you even dare to hang around him, he hangs out with that mudblood, Potter, and the Weasleys." He said while having a disgusting look.

"Please just shut the fuck up why are being so mean to them, you're literally acting like a child right just eat your damn food." I said annoyingly.

When we were done with dinner we went to our rooms to my surprise I share rooms with Pansy.

It was night time already, Pansy was already sleeping I was just staring at the ceiling thinking about the mission.

"Let me just go to sleep and we'll see what happens tomorrow." I said to myself. Than a few minutes I fell asleep really quick.

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