Chapter Fifty-One

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I woke up in a strange place

I wasn't alone of course. My mother was here

Usually if I dream with my mother, we would always meet in the hallway at Hogwarts

But this time it was somewhere else. Somewhere I never know about

It looked really familiar for some reason

"Where am I?" I asked her

"Home." She said

"Home? I'm not home." I said

"Yes your are." She said

"I am not. You must be going crazy!" I said

"That's not a way to speak to your mother like that." She said

I got up from the bed I was in

She would always look at me when she was talking but this time she wasn't. Something must had happened to her

"Follow me." She said

I was confused. The room I was in also looked ver familiar

She went through the door and I had to open it

It was hallway

She walked straight. We didn't even went to the rooms that we passed by

Once again she went through the door m. It must be really easy to do that

I opened the door

My eyes widen

It was my old bedroom when I was a little girl

Everything still looked the same ever since I moved with the Malfoy's

My toys were around just how I left it. My bed was nicely done. There was some shoes that I left on the floor

I did a mess because that day we were supposed to take Michael home, but that's when everything went downhill

"Remember all of this?" Said my mother


"But why are we here?" I asked

"To show you what really happened." She said

"What do you mean? By what really happened?" I asked

"I'm here to tell you the truth about the day before I left you and your brother." She said

Right. The day when her and my father were arguing

"You already know that me and your father were arguing that day." She said

Before she could say anything else and walked away and went downstairs

I followed her of course

We were in between the kitchen and the living room

The front door was in the middle between both rooms

It looked exactly the same

"Darling. I saw you. When me and your father were arguing." She said

I stayed quiet

"I just didn't say anything. If I did, your father could of hurt you." She said

I looked down at the floor

"Before that day, me and you went to the muggle world." She said

"Do you remember that?"

"Yes. Yes I do remember that." I said

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