Chapter Nine

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Draco POV

I'm a bit worried for Y/N. Ever since her father came back she changed. She would smile everyday but now she doesn't. It's also hard for me because I have to help her with the mission her father gave us. We will have a lot of pressure while doing the mission. Usually I will care about myself but now I care about Y/N. Her and Michael are more important than anyone else in my life. They both are like my siblings, even though I never had one. Now since Michael and Y/N are going to Hogwarts, I have to make sure they are safe and not do something stupid.

It was already the next day. I was a bit tired because I was crying last night. Draco came into my room and sat down next to me.

"Hey. I- umm I'm sorry about yesterday we didn't mean to upset you" he said

"This is your first time apologizing isn't it Draco?!" I said trying not to laugh

"It is, why?" He said

"Because your terrible saying it" I said laughing

"Oh shut up. You little insect" he said

"Whatever. I have to get ready, do you mind leaving?" I said

"Right see you in class." He said

He left and I got ready. After I finish changing I went to the great hall. For some reason everyone was looking at me when I passed by. I could see them whispering to each other. But I didn't give a fuck. If they now know I'm daughter of an evil wizard, they wouldn't bother me.

I sat down next to Draco and didn't say anything. 

"Y/N are you ok? You seem off today" Michael said

"Huh oh I'm fine don't worry about me" I said

"Ok whatever you say" he said back to me

I turn around to look at the griffindor table. I could see Harry looking at me with a suspicious look. I turn back around to eat. 

"I'll be leaving now" Michael said

"Were you going?" I said

"I'm going for a walk with Luna" he said a smirk

"Ok whatever but if you lay a finger on her your going to die. Do you understand?"

"Yes whatever sis" he said

He left and I kept eating. 

"You don't have to be protective of him Y/N" Blaise said 

"Well he's my brother. Blaise do you have siblings?" I said

"No. I don't" He said

"Huh you wouldn't understand. If you had a sister or brother would you be protective of them?"

"Yes of course" he said back

"That's what older siblings would do and I'm doing that to Michael" I said with an attitude

I got up to leave

"Where you going?" Pansy said

"I'm going outside" I said

I left the great hall and went to the courtyard. Everyone was looking at me, pointing at me, and whispering to each other. I was so uncomfortable, that I had to leave. I went to the library so I could be alone. I was walking around the library looking for a book to read until I saw Neville. I walked up to him and tap his shoulder.

"Hi Neville" I said

"Do you need something Y/N?" He said back to me with a scared voice

"I just wanted to say hi. I'll leave you alone" I said

I turn around and I was about to leave

"Wait! Can I talk to you, please?" He said

"Umm sure" I said back to him

I sat next to him and I realized he was reading a book of different types of rare plants.

"I see your reading about plants" I said

"Ummm yea. I really like plants" he said

"Oh you like plants, that's nice. I also like plants. I use to read about them" I said while smiling at him

"You did? Wow I never met someone who like plants much as I do" He said with his sweet smile

"So about yesterday. I didn't mean to make a whole drama" I said

"Oh. It's fine. A lot of things is going on with Harry and when he found out your daughter of you know who, he was frustrated" he said

"Oh but I'm still sorry about yesterday" I said

We talked to get to know each. This is the first time I had something in common with someone. Neville is not bad as I thought. He's a really nice person. Maybe being at Hogwarts isn't bad as I thought.

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