Chapter Forty-Seven

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Draco POV

I had to think twice about telling my mother about me dating Harry

I'm afraid of how she'll reacted. I don't know if she'll support me or tell me I'm a disgrace

I'm always overthinking things and I just need to calm down. I just don't want to have a panic attack

I had to talk of how I'm gonna tell her

There was nothing crossing my mind. I tried to think of something but I couldn't. I had butterflies in my stomach of being nervous

Harry is lucky that he doesn't have to tell his parents. Right I forgot they are dead

"Draco darling!"

I heard my name from downstairs

I was confused why

"Can you come down here for a second!"

Right it was my mother

My mother! Shit! This is my chance to tell her

I opened the door and ran downstairs

She was in the living room with my father

"Yes mother?" I said

"What gotta talk." She said with a serious face and voice

"What why? What happened?" I asked

She stayed quiet

My father looked at me

"We heard your talk with Y/N outside." He said

My heart was started to beat fast

"I'm confused. What are you trying to say?" I said

My hands were getting really sweaty

"We heard that you are dating." He said


"What's her name?" He said

I just stayed still

"What's her name darling?" My mother said

"Well....." I said

"Go on! Tell us her name!" My father said

"Honey he doesn't have to tell us if he's not ready." My mother said

"Uh this was a wasted of time!" My father said sounding angry

He left and my mother stayed

"Sometimes your father wants an answer to his questions." She said

"Yes I know, mother." I said

She smiled

Is it even a good idea to tell her. Fuck it, I'll do it

"Mother." I said


"I'm not dating a girl." I said

She looked at me confused

"What do you mean darling?" She said

"I'm dating a boy." I said

"Oh merlin. I- ummm.... That's-" She said before she got interrupted

"Thats disgusting! I rise a son! He is supposed to get with a girl and not with a boy!" My father said

"Lucius! He's our son! We are supposed to support him!" My mother said

"I'm not gonna support some disappointment!" He said

I started to breathe heavily

"La Don't you dare talk about our son like that!" She said

I couldn't do it anymore, so I just ran to my bedroom

I slammed the door

I completely hate when they argue it's just fucking annoying

It was a bad idea telling them

I was full of anger

I heard a knocked on the door

"Darling, may I come in? Please?" My mother said from the other side

I rolled my eyes and and walked towards the door

At first I didn't want to open the door, but she's my mother and I can't do that

I opened the door

No only she was alone, she was with Y/N

"Come in." I said

They both walked in

"Darling why didn't you tell me sooner?" She asked

I stayed quiet

She looked at Y/N

She whispered into Y/N ear

"Draco.... Do you ummm.... Want me to tell her?" Y/N said

I nod my head

Y/N looked at my mother

"So umm how should I say this." She said

"Go on. Tell me." My mother said

"He kept this since a couple of months of ago." She said

"Ok go on." My mother said

"So him and Harry-" Y/N said before she got interrupted

"I'm sorry!? What!?" She said

"Yea him and Harry.... Wait!? You didn't tell her!?" Y/N said while looking at me

"No. I didn't got the chance." I said with a low voice

"Darling you know this is dangerous. The dark lord wants to kill him." She said

"Yes I know but my love for him is magical." I said

"But if your father finds out about you and Harry. It wouldn't end very well. He could tell the dark lord and could give an assignment to do." She said 

"I know mother. That's why I kept it a secret." I said

"Just make sure he doesn't finds out about the mark." She said

I nod my head 

"Just remember I'll always be here for you." She said

"Thanks mother." I said

"I gotta get going now. When we have dinner, if your father brings up the dating thing, just make up something. I'm giving you permission to lie." She said

"Alright thank you so much mother." I said

She just smiles

"And one last thing. The both of you better watch each other's back. Since you know. Y'all have the mark." She said

"Yes. We know." Y/N said

My mother walked out

"What do we do now?" Y/N asked

"I don't know." I said

"I'll just go to the library to read something." She said

"Alright than. I'll just see you later." I said


She left and I was all alone

There was nothing to do

I looked around to see what to do since it's pretty boring

When I'm at Hogwarts, it's fun. I could make fun of first years and the second years

Since there was nothing to do I decided to sleep for a little while. Sleeping is the only time I could relax and forget about everything

I stared at the ceiling and slowly was falling asleep

Little by little my eyes were getting heavy

Next thing you know I completely fell asleep

The Secret Spy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora