Chapter Forty-Three

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Last night was amazing

We were all playing some muggle games Hermione told us about

I was mostly hanging out with the twins and Neville

We were all listening to music and singing

It like we were drunk but really we weren't

It was already the next day

Good thing Ginny had some long sleeves pajamas that I could use without her knowing of the mark 

I was with Neville in bed together cuddling

I forgot that last night, I asked him if I could stayed in bed with him

"Nev. Wake up." I whispered



"Come on get up." I said continuing whispering

He turn around not facing me anymore

He looked so calm and relaxed

I gave him a tiny kiss on his cheeks and got up to get ready to go back home  

I walked out and close the door slowly so I wouldn't wake up anyone 

I went to the bathroom

I did everything I needed to do

I got out of the bathroom and walked towards Ron's bedroom

At first I didn't want to knock but I had to wake up Draco

I got no answer, so u knocked again

Finally Ron opened the door

"God I thought your were my mother." Ron said


"What are you doing here so early anyways?" He said while he yawned

"I was going to wake up Draco. You don't mind if you do that right?" I said

"Fine but you gotta pay me." He said


He closed the door and I walked to Bill's room

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open up

Once again I got no answer

I didn't want to wait any longer so I just burst in

Michael got up quickly

"What are you doing?" He said with his morning voice

"Come on get up. We gotta go." I said

"Shit! I forgot we sneak out!" He said

"Yea. So get ready." I said

I left and went downstairs

I putted on my shoes and went back upstairs

Neville was still asleep

I smiled and sat down

"Nev, darling." I said


"I gotta go alright. I'm going home. I'll send a letter." I said


I gave him another kiss and made sure Draco and Michael were getting ready

It took a while for the both to get themselves ready

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