Chapter Twenty-one

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Harry POV

After I left the library I felt something from Y/N. I felt a weird vibe from her. I didn't know what it was but it felt like she needed help.

I walked to class cause the bell rang. Through out the day everything was normal. But ever since I left the library in the morning I had the same vibe since.

"Hey Harry are you ok? You don't look ok." Hermione said with a soft voice

"Umm it would be better if we go somewhere private." I said

"Harry whats going? Hermione said

"Mione just trust me!" I said looking at her and Ron

"Bro are you sure your ok?" Ron said

"Yes I'm fine Ron now let's go." I said

We went to the common room. When we got there we sat down on the couch.

"Now can you tell us what's going on Harry." Hermione said

"You know how I went to the library this morning to warned Y/N." I said

"Yea what about it." Ron said

"After I left I felt a weird vibe from her. I don't know what it is but it felt really weird." I said

"Harry that's normal, cause that happened ever since we got here on the first year." Hermione said

"Yea Mione is right. Ever since the first year a lot of weird things happened but it's not really a big deal." Ron said

"Yea maybe your right. But something from Y/N makes me feel like I need to get to know her more." I said

"Harry are you mad. You can't, she's a Riddle. We can't trust Riddles." Hermione said

"I know Mione but this feeling makes me want to know more about her. I feel like she's not like Voldemort." I said

"If you want to get to know her just be careful ok. Just be careful." Hermione said

"I'll be fine I promise." I said

"You sure you want to do this?" Ron said

"Yes and remember what Luna said. Maybe she's not what we think she is guys." I said

I left and went to the Astronomy Tower before I would talk to Y/N. When I got there I saw Draco.

"Malfoy" I said

"Pottah" He said turning around

"What are you doing here?" He said

"Just wanted to see the view from up here." I said

"What your here?" I said

"I wanted to be alone until you came." He said

"Oh. Have you seen Y/N?" I said

"Why do you want to know?" He said

"I want to talk to her." I said

"Sorry but no. See wants to be alone." He said

I look into his blue, shiny, beautiful eyes. Every time I look into his eyes, I fall for him more. Ever since I met him I had a crush but I know he doesn't like me back.

"What are you looking at pottah?" He said

"Huh what? Oh I was just spaced out." I said

"Mhm yea right. Can I ask you a question?" He said

"Yea sure." I said

"Why do you want to talk to Y/N?" He said

"I can't tell you Malfoy." I said

"Why not. Are you scared?" He said

"No im not scared." I said

"Then go on tell me why you want to talk to her." He said

"Well I just want to get to know her. Cause I felt a weird vibe from her that makes me want to know about her." I said

"Ok I'll tell her that you want to talk to her." He said

"Why do you hate me?" I said

"What are you talking about Pottah?" He said

"You know what I'm talking about. Why do you hate me?" I said

"I just wanted to be friends with you since the beginning but you didn't want too. That's the reason why I'm so mean to you." He said

"You don't hate me." I said

"No I don't." He said

I walked up to him and looked up.

"Pottah what are you doing?" He said

I didn't say anything instead I gave him a kiss on the lips. I wasn't thinking at all but Draco didn't even stop me.

Draco pulled me away.

"Uhhh sorry I umm I have to go." He said

I was an idiot for kissing him. At least he doesn't hate me. If only he know I had feelings for him. 

I was taking one last breath before I go back downstairs. I close my eyes and I can still feel his lips on mine. When I opened my eyes, I walked down the stairs.

I was walking around and saw Luna with Michael. She looked at me and I looked at her. I smiled at her and walked away.

I could hear footsteps coming close to me.

"Hey Potter I heard you wanted to talk to me!" They said

I turn around and saw it was Y/N

"Yea I do want to talk to you!" I said

I walked towards her

"Why do you want to talk to me Potter." Y/N said

"I just want to get to know you." I said

"Oh whatever. Fine but tomorrow because I'm not busy tomorrow." She said

"Ok I guess." I said

She walked away and I went back to the common room. When I got there no one was there. Probably they went to sleep.  

I sat down on the couch and watching the fire.

"Psst psst Harry is that you?" A whisper said

"Who's there?" I said

"Harry it's me, Sirius. Your godfather." They said

I looked at the fire pit and saw Sirius face

"Harry I have to tell you something." He said

"What is it?" I said

"You need an army to defeat Voldemort. He has an army of death eater." He said

"How many does he has?" I said

"Probably about two thousand." He said 

"What two thousand!? Have am I going to defeat him?" I said

"I don't know Harry but you have to think of something. You need an army. That's the only way to defeat him." He said

"Ok I'll think of something but I have to tell Dumbledore." I said

"I don't have time to talk right now but don't tell Dumbledore yet, until I tell you." He said

"Ok" I said

I went up to my dorm and changed into my pajama and fell asleep

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