Chapter Thirty-One

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I just sat there shocked. I didn't expected that at all

I didn't know what to do. I just kept looking at the letter until Pansy came

When Pansy finally came, I looked up and looked at her

I ran to her and gave her a hug and started to cry

I knew she was confused but she still hugged me back

"Come on let's sit down to talk about it." She whispered

I let go and sat down on my bed

"So what happen?" She said

I didn't answered but instead I gave her the letter

"You must be fucking kidding me!" She said

"What are you gonna do about it?" She said

"Nothing. I can't do nothing about it." I said while looking at the floor

"You have to do something about Y/N! This can ruined everything! Some people don't like you but if they find out, the whole school will hate you!" She said

"There's nothing I can do about it! My father is more powerful than me! I have no fucking choice!" I said

"But what are you gonna tell the boys about this?" She said

"I don't know. But I have to tell them. I have no choice." I said with a soft voice

Pansy just sat there quiet

"I feel like smoking. Do you have a cigarette?" I said

"Here." Pansy said giving me a cigarette

I grabbed my lighter that was in my nightstand and lit the cigarette

"This feels nice." I said

"I'm going to the great hall, you coming?" She said

"Nah Im staying here." I said

Pansy left and I just sat there, trying to forget about the letter

I wanted to burn it but I couldn't

After I finished smoking, I lay on the floor looking at the ceiling

"My father can kiss my ASS!" I said to myself

"He can SUCK A DICK!"

I was tired of my father controlling everything. I just wanted him dead. I wanted him out of my life. It's his fault my mother is dead

I started to get sleepy and went straight to sleep without changing

Once again I was in the same hallway were I saw my mother. I guess I'm having another dream with her

"Darling." My mother said from behind

I turn my back around

"What do you want?" I said

"I saw that Narcissa told you." She said with a soft voice

"And what about it?" I said with attitude

"I know your upset about it. It's not your fault." She continue

"I know it's not my fault." I said

"But you know who's fault it is?" I said


"It's you and Tom!" I said

"But I never did nothing to you." She said

"Do you really want me to explain everything?" I said

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