Chapter Forty-Eight

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After I left Draco room, I went to the library

The library was huge with different kinds of books

There was so many options to choose from

There was romantic, horror, and more different kinds of books

I picked a romantic book

There was a little chair next to a window

It was prefect

Not only there was a chair, there was also a little table

Then I remember, it was my tea set when I was younger

After the day when we started living with the Malfoy's, Narcissa brought me this tea set

Since I was the only girl, I had to play with Narcissa

It was weird being the only girl

I always wanted to go out and play with other kids, but I couldn't

Narcissa would say it's too dangerous for me and Michael to go out. I mean she is right. After we went to Hogwarts, things were not the same when staying home all day long

I sighed

I sat down and opened up my book

I was reading for a couple of hours. I finished the whole book in one day

The sun was already going down, so I putted the book back to where it belongs

I went my bedroom and just when I was about to lay down on my bed, Narcissa called me down

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" She said

I walked out and went downstairs to the dining room

My father was already there and other people, people I never seen before

"Come on, sit down." She said

I walked to an empty sit and sat down

It was two chairs away from where my father was. So pretty much I was close to him

I didn't say anything the whole time

All I did was continuing eating

All my father was talking was about killing Dumbledore and Harry

Next thing you know, the bell rang

"Umm Y/N darling can you get that for me please?" Narcissa said

I nodded my head and walked to the front door

I opened the door and I was not expecting this person

"Professor Snape!?" I said

"Yes?" He said

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Your father invited me over." He said

Of course he would

"Ok. Come on in." I said

He walked in and I took him to the dining room

"Severus you came." My father said


I went and sat back down

"Severus come on. Sit down." He said

There was an empty chair next to me

He sat down

Great now my professor was sitting down next to me

It was getting really boring talking about the same thing

It was getting really late too

"Y/N, Draco, and Michael, y'all can go to bed now. I think it's enough for today." Narcissa said

We got up and went to our bedrooms

I close the door

I went and shower, put on my pajamas and lay down on my bed

I putted my hands on my stomach while looking at the ceiling. Slowly I was closing my eyes and than I fell asleep

A week already passed by

It was our last day of our summer holidays

This summer holiday was ok, I just hope next year would be better

I putted my last clothes into my suitcase and I was done

And of course I didn't forget about the butter knife. I putted it in between my clothes, so when I get to Hogwarts it would be with me

I just couldn't wait to see Neville again. Since I got grounded, I couldn't send him a letter telling him, how much I missed him

"Y/N darling can you come here for a second!" Narcissa said from downstairs

"I'm going! Just give me a second!" I said

"No! Get your ass down here! Right now!" She said

This was the first time I ever heard her say a swear word

It was weird. Why would she be yelling at me. I didn't even do anything

I went to the kitchen, since she was there

"Yes?" I said

"Have you see the butter knife?" She asked

"No. Why?" I said lying

"Cause you were the last one to use it." She said

Shit! Now I'm fucked up!

"Yes I know, but I putted it back where it belongs." I said

"Are you sure about that?" She said

"Yes. Yes I am." I said

"Ok, you can go now." She said

I gave her a little smile and ran back upstairs

I sighed loudly

"Thank merlin." I said to myself

Now that I'm going to Hogwarts, I have to be very careful. I don't want anyone seeing me cutting myself. Especially Neville he would be so heartbroken

I already had the ticket for the Hogwarts express for tomorrow

I can't wait to see Pansy. We have a lot to catch up about

Even though Blaise hurt Pans, I just have a feeling that they would date some day

Seeing Neville would give me butterflies. I just love how he is shy, kind, and wonderful person I ever met

If it wasn't for him and my friends, I would of ended everything

They make me smile every time

He could be different than anyone else. A lot of people at Hogwarts don't really like to do Herbology but Neville, he loves it. All he could talk about is plants

People don't listen to him when he learns a new plant. The only person who be listening is me, Luna, and Michael

All I could think of is him. Only him. I can't think of anything else other than him

Than I remember. I have the dark mark. I really hate how I'm hiding it from him but I have no other choice

I'm also hiding it from my friends. It hurts a lot

I just hope they don't find out. I also don't want them to find out about the scars I have with the mark

I gotta be careful and everything will go according to plan


Happy Halloween to the ones that celebrate🧡🎃. Not only it's Halloween, it's the day when Lily and James Potter die to save their son (Harry Potter). RIP to Lily Evans (Potter) & James Potter🧡

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