Chapter Thirty-Three

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Before I could even walk in, they opened the door

It was Ginny who opened it

She closed the door quickly

"You heard everything?!" She said


"You weren't supposed to hear that!" She said

"So is it true what y'all were talking about?" I said

"Yes but if Neville finds out that you found out, he'll be upset." She said

"Ok thanks." I said

"Your welcome. I'll see you around." She said walking away

I walked in

"Hello Nev!" I said

He flinch and turned around

"Did I scared you?" I said

"N-No." He said

"I'm just saying cause you flinch." I said

"I'm ok. B-But what are y-you doing here?" He said

"I left something here. Have you seen a book full of notes and my name?" I asked

"Oh yes I did." He said

"It must be here somewhere....." He said looking around

"Here it is!" He said holding up my book

I walked towards him

"Thanks Nev." I said giving him a smile


"Thats a nickname i gave you." I said with a soft voice

"A n-nickname? I never thought you would give me a nickname." He said

"What you don't like?" I said

"N-No no I like it. It's just I never thought someone would call me by a different name. That's all." He said

"I'll see tonight Nev." I said with a smirk

"What do you mean?" He said with a confuse look on his face

"We're going on a date tonight. See you at seven at the three broomsticks. Bye Nev." I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek

I knew his face was red like tomato but I just ignore it and continue with my day

If he was actually gonna confess his feelings to me later tonight I would do the same thing

I just didn't tell anyone about this, not even Pansy

I just hope Draco would go with Harry

I know he doesn't want anyone else to know about him and Harry dating but he can trust me and Mike

We grew up together. We always trust each other

Few hours passed and I had two hours left before the date. Not gonna lie, I was quite nervous

I wanted to wear something that Neville would like but all of my clothes were dark colors

Instead I decided to go with one of my Dark Academia outfit

I tried my best actually. It wasn't bad. I had on a dark brown skirt with a white shirt under a lighter brown sweater,with a belt around my waist and black boots

I needed to do my makeup next but I had to do it like my every day makeup, A natural look

After I did that I had to my hair

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