Chapter Four

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It was the next day. I was quite nervous but I didn't showed it. I got ready and put on my uniform. It was pretty but I needed to focus.

"Sooo Y/N wanna hangout later" Pansy said.

"I'm sorry I can't, maybe another time when I'm not busy" I said.

"Ok I understand" she said.

I never will have time anyways because of the stupid mission. Pansy and I were walking around Hogwarts going to our first class. I could see Michael talking to a girl. She was blonde with long wavy hair and she was short.

"Be right back Pansy. I'm going to talk to Michael for second" I said.

I was walking towards Michael. I know he was flirting with her.

"Hey Michael" I said from behind.

"Hi Y/N" He said.

"Who's this?" I said with a serious voice.

"Well this is Luna".

"Last name?"

"Lovegood why"

"No reason. But I need to talk to you" I said.

"Fine. Bye Luna talk to you another time" he said while giving her a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and we walked away. I looked both ways to make sure nobody was near us.

"Michael would you stop flirting with girls" I said while looking both ways.

"Ok, whatever you say boss".

"Flirt with another girl, I'm going to kill you understand! Yes you can be friends but stop flirting!"

"Awwwww is my older sister jealous."

"Stop that shit. No I'm not jealous. Your just going to make me get distracted from the mission, if you keeping flirting with girls" I whisper to him.

"Well get use to it sis, cause I won't stop. Talk to you later we almost have class in a few minutes" he said while having an evil smile.

I rolled my eyes and walked back where Pansy was.

"So what did y'all talked about Y/N?" She said with a curious voice.

"Oh it was nothing. We should head to class now before we're late" I said

"Your right lets go" she said.

We were heading to class until I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see who it was. I could see Neville running towards me. He stopped running and took a deep breath.

"Ummm are you ok Neville?" I said

"Yea I'm fine, but what class your supposed to go to" he said while still trying to catch his breath.

"Ummm Defense Against The Dark Arts why?" I said confused

" Well I- I was won- wondering if yo- you would li- like to sit ne- next to m- me?"

I looked at Pansy and she was trying to hold her laugh and said " You think she will sit next to a loser like you.I don't think so Longbottom".

Than I looked at Neville and I said "Yes of course" I said while smirking at him

"See you in class than" he said with his sweet voice. 

He lefted and I turn to look at Pansy.

"Are you crazy Y/N. Why are you going to sit with that loser?" She said disgusted

"I have my reasons Pansy" I said while rising one eye brow and having an evil smile.

This was a great idea. I will make Neville trust me and so I can get closer to Harry Potter. I realize yesterday they were friends, so this is my only chance to get close to Harry. We went to class and I saw Neville. I sat down next to him and smiled at him. Inside I felt evil sitting next to him but I had no choice.
I could see Draco looking at me across the classroom shocked. I was embarrassed but I had to act like nothing was wrong.

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