Chapter Eleven

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Neville POV
Y/N is a very beautiful person I ever met. I really think she wouldn't want to date someone like me. I love plants and talk about them all the time. I think she gets really bored when I ever talk about plants. The fact I fell in love with her for the past few months, makes me feel happy. She always there for me when no one else was. I hope one day she will like me back.

I was at the greenhouse waiting to see if Y/N would come. The weather was nice, so it would be perfect if I ask out Y/N to go on a date. 

When she finally came I got a bit nervous and try to act cool.

"Hi Neville" She said

"Oh uhhh Hi Y/N" I said back to her

"Are you ready?" She said

"Ready for wha- oh yes yes about the plants" I said

I was telling her about how each plants has something special in them. After I finish telling her I said "So which one was your favorite?"

"Oh ummm I don't know I like all of them" she said smiling

"Y/N can I ask you a question?" I said nervously

"Of course. You can ask me anything" she said

"Am I boring to you? I mean I-"

She interrupted by saying "Neville why would you say that. Your my best friend. I love you no matter what. You understand?"

"Wait what? You love me?" I said

"Yes as a friend" she said smiling

"Oh I- ummm I have to go. See you later Y/N" I said with a sad voice

"See you later than Neville" she said

I left the greenhouse. I pretty sad. I guess she only see's me as a friend and nothing else. Maybe I shouldn't have feelings for her. Maybe she likes someone else and not me. At least we're friends.

I went to my dorm and lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. I was just thinking of how beautiful Y/N was. But I felt something weird about her. Something bad from her. Maybe it's just me.

After looking at the ceiling for a while, I got up and went for a walk. Usually I will talk to Y/N about my feelings because no one else will listen. The thing is I have feelings for her and if I tell her things might change between us.

If Harry found out I'm in love with Y/N he wouldn't like that because Y/N is a Riddle and daughter of the one who should not be named.

I was walking throughout the hallways when I saw Luna with Michael talking about something. I walked towards them, until I saw Y/N going upstairs to the Astronomy Tower. I followed her and hid so she wouldn't see me. When we got to the Astronomy Tower, I saw Y/N holding a letter. I couldn't see who was it from or to.

I could see an owl going towards her. She gave the letter to the owl and it flew away. Out of no where the wind was blowing. It got so cold. I tried not to make a noise so I wouldn't get caught.

I got up so I could go back downstairs. I am an idiot for tripping. I got up from the floor and realized Y/N was looking at me while crossing her arms and rising one eyebrow.

"Really Neville?" She said

"Ha ummm hi" I said

"What are you doing here?" She said still crossing her arms

"Well ummm I ummm I was following you. Sorry" I said

"Well next time be careful and not trip again. But please don't follow me again." She said with her sweet smile

"Right sorry. I will see you around than" I said while looking down

"Ok. See you around. I will still here for awhile if you need me." She said

"Ok bye" I said

I went down the stairs and thinking how much Y/N really care about me.

I hope one day I will confess my feelings towards her and will be brave so I can prove everyone I'm not weak or shy.

The Secret Spy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora