Chapter Seventeen

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Draco POV

I was shocked what Y/N said. I had no words. I was just there, looking into her eyes deeply and realized she wasn't lying.

I can tell Y/N is worried. I just don't want her to get hurt by her own father. After a while I couldn't stay there any longer. I left without saying anything.

I went to my dorm and couldn't stop thinking about what Y/N said. I think I know what Y/N father is planning to do. I just hope it won't affect Y/N for the rest of her life.

"Why is it always me and Y/N?"I said to myself

"If only I could just runaway from everything with Y/N and live our lives." I said

I could hear someone coming towards my dorm. They knocked on the door and said "Bro your alright?" Blaise said

"Yes I'm fine, now leave me alone I'm trying to sleep!" I said

"I know your not ok." He said

"I'm fine Blaise you can leave now!" I said

"Fine if that's what you want." He said from the other side

Now I have to make sure Y/N won't suffer from her father.

I got up and left.

I went down to go to the hospital wing to see if Michael was there. Than I came across the chosen one with his little filthy friends.

"Well Well Well look who I found. The Mudblood, The Ginger head, and last but not least Pottah." I said with a smirk

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry said

"Oh nothing just about to go to the hospital wing until I saw y'all." I said

"Ok whatever." Hermione said

"What your scared of me?" I said

"No we're not." Ron said

"But it looks like y'all are scared of me!" I said with a smirk

"Shove off Malfoy!" Hermione said

"Ooo not very friendly. I see how it is." I said

I tried not to look into Harry's eyes. I know me and Harry don't get along but if only he knew I had feelings for him.

"Bye loser!" I said while smiling at Harry

I want to the hospital wing and Michael was still there.

I walked towards him.

"Hi bro." He said

"Hi. How's she doing?" I said

"She's doing fine. She just fell asleep." He said

"Oh. We should leave her to rest. Plus me and you need to talk." I said

"About what?" He said looking confused

"About someone or something." I said

"Ok than we should get going now. But later I'll come to visit Y/N." He said

"Ok." I said

We both left the hospital wing and went to the great hall. We sat at the  Slytherin table.

"What do you wanted to talk about?" He said

"Ummm so don't tell Y/N about this." I said

"Ok go on. Tell me." He said

"So like... I don't know how to explain this to you, but I like someone." I said

"Oh you must be lying. Who do you like than?" He said

"Well it's someone I was enemy with, since the beginning we met." I said

"Wait is it him?" He said

"Yea. It is." I said

"Oh. So your gay?" He said

"Yes I am." I said

"Why you look sad though?" He said

"Because if I tell my father he would be disappointed." I said

"Hey at least you have a mother that would support you. You also have me and Y/N to support you too." He said

"But even if y'all support me, my father would hate me and wouldn't accept who I am." I said

"Look I understand but there's other people that would support you no matter what. Just please remember that. I have to go. I'll see you later." He said

"Bye I guess." I said

He left and I was there all alone until Astoria came and sat next to me.

I ignored her and didn't say anything to her. She so fucking annoying. She couldn't stop talking to me.

"Astoria can you shut the fuck up!" I said

"You don't have to be so rude about that." She said

"Whatever." I said while leaving the table

Me and Harry don't get along but I like him since the beginning. He thinks I'm a bad person and a person who only cares about themselves.

I went to the Astronomy Tower so I could be alone. I liked to be alone and think of things.

I remember one day Hermione was listening to a muggle song. It was a good song but I just didn't hear it in front of people. It's embarrassing cause everyone always say I hate muggle -born. But it's not true.

Everyone thinks I would be just like my father. They think I would followed my father foot steps which I won't do. I'm going to be my own person. I don't care what my father says and other people.

I'll do what makes me happy even with all the bad memory's I had. I just hope one day my father will be proud of me.

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