Chapter Thirty-Six

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The train stop just when I was about to close my eyes

I had to wake up Pansy and Draco

I knew Draco would get mad at me for disturbing his beauty sleep

When they woke up, when had to get off the train and get our things

Pansy went ahead and I waited for Draco to say goodbye to Harry

After he said goodbye, we got off

Me and Draco got our things

I walked up to Neville and gave him a goodbye kiss on the lips

He was blushing really hard

Me, Draco, and Michael had to wait for a little for Narcissa to pick us up

Half of the people left

Neville was gone. The Weasley and Harry were also gone. Hermione was also waiting for her muggle parents. They were running late

Me and Hermione were just talking, until her parents came

I said goodbye to her

All three of us were the only one there at the train station

"They are always first to be here." Draco said starting to get anxious

"Don't worry. They will be here." I said

Just when we were about to leave, Narcissa and Lucius came

"Hello Children." Narcissa said with a smile

I ran up to her and hug her tightly

"Missed me that much?" She said


"We got to get going now. The dark lard wants to see you." Lucius said

We got our things and left nine and three quarter

We also left the muggle train station

We got on a black car

There was someone driving but couldn't see who

When we got to the Malfoy Manor, everything looked different

The garden looked so dry and sad

I was really nervous to go in but I had no choice

The house elves came out and grab our luggage luggage

Dobby came out and greeted us

When we walked in, everything was so cold and dark

"The dark lord is at the dining room waiting for y'all." Lucius said

I gave Lucius a disgusted look

All three of us went to the dining room

My father was sitting down petting his pet snake, Nagini

We sat down from away from him and didn't say anything

"Welcome back." He said with his rusty voice

"Hello father." Michael said

Me and Draco didn't say anything

"Now now, isn't it rude not to greet someone." He said

"It's nice to see you again, my lord." Draco said

I stayed quiet

My father got up and walked to me

"Hello darling." He whispered into my ear

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