Chapter 1221 - Chapter 1230

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Lin Ruoxi knew that she couldn't stop him no matter what and rolled her eyes at him. She nodded and warned him, "If you dare to ditch your daughter and I, bear your own consequences!"

Yang Chen quickly agreed and thought, if the conference had not finished, he would blow up the venue if he had to in order to come home.

In the following days, the transition of work in Yulei completed smoothly. As soon as Xue Minghe got his position, he managed to arrange things nicely.

Yang Chen's director position in the entertainment company was directly given to Zhao Teng, he wouldn't have much time to manage anyway.

After Lin Ruoxi stepped down from her post, she placed more effort into cultivation and accompanied her daughter. Wang Ma was overjoyed, it was as though she was seeing her daughter and granddaughter being together.

From time to time, Xiao Zhiqing, Li Jingjing, Cai Yan and An Xin who were more unoccupied would come over to the house to talk and play mahjong, the place was getting more and more lively.

An Xin was also thinking of getting a successor to manage the An Clan after hearing about Lin Ruoxi's resignation. However, she couldn't think of an appropriate and reliable person, so she passed the thought for now.

Min Juan on the other hand was afraid of being fired. After all, Lanlan didn't need the care from her nanny most of the time now. Fortunately, Wang Ma kept her to help around at home and her heart was settled.

Yang Chen went to the Mediterrenean base as promised after guiding the rest of the women for a few days. Rose and Cai Ning had waited for a week and the Caesar Conference would commence a day later.

These days, except for cultivation, the two had gotten along well with the people staying there as well.

Despite the language barrier, after they entered the Soul Forming Stage, their memory became excellent and it wasn't too difficult to learn new languages.

In addition to that, the residents on the island were mostly retirees from the special forces, mercenaries and ZERO, so it was even more convenient for the two to find common languages together.

The two's superb skill had also made the children who loved battling favor them, and giving the children advice had also become an interesting activity.

In short, the two would be unwilling to leave now.

Old Ron, being the 'prestigious tour guide' for this Sicily Island trip did all the preparations voluntarily.

Upon Yang Chen's arrival, Ron had already prepared a luxurious private jet, waiting for him and the two women to depart.

Since it was just a half an hour trip from The Forgotten Realms to Sicily Island, they could arrive in a blink of an eye. But since this was a journey for entertainment, Ron was still insisting on quality.

As the island with the most dense population, Sicily Island was located in the Southwest area of the Asia Pacific Island.

As stated in history, the ancient Greeks, Roman Empire, Byzantines, Normans etc, had all ruled this island before. After the split of the Kingdom of Sicily, the Spanish moved in here and later on the Kingdom of Italy took over Sicily. Now, Sicily had gained autonomy.

This place was often known to the world, mainly because the Italian mafias were all over this place.

The Mafia families had organized a 'shadow government' which was almost parallel to the regular government. Their minions control the whole under their banner.

MY WIFE IS A BEAUTIFUL CEOOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz