First, I've been to many awards shows that K-Pop artists perform at. It is par for the course in my line of work. However, I'm designated backstage for mandatory networking with other industry people where a group of us from my company spends our time talking up our services to potential clients. I have never even bothered to try and see who was performing, as these events are a work commitment rather than for enjoyment. So when I start watching these men move in perfect synchronization in front of me, I am stunned, to say the least.

I'm struck by how different it is to see them perform in front of me rather than a video on my phone, and I'm completely blown away by the level of difficulty.

JK and Jin spot me, and I flash smiles at them. They start on some pretty tough choreography sequences and look amazing, but a few mistakes are made because they are still learning the moves. The music stops, and Hobi moves to position himself in front of the group and shows them how the moves should look.

 The music stops, and Hobi moves to position himself in front of the group and shows them how the moves should look

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"It's like this, one, two, three, four, ba, ba, ba, ba!" Each "ba" he synchronizes with a move. His body is like a magnificent machine, the movements are sharp, and his hands are powerful. I am mesmerized, and I can barely hold my excitement to see him come to life in this manner. There is nothing more attractive than seeing someone completely in their element. My appreciation for Hobi seems to grow by the day as I learn about all the different facets of his personality.

I come to the quick realization that it's not one of their regular choreographers they are working with for this song; it's Hobi. It had slipped my mind that he mentioned he was being given the opportunity to expand his role for this comeback, and I can see why he was. I could watch this angel dance all day.

I watch as I see a true perfectionist unfolding before my eyes, and I understand this trait so much as I do the same thing when I'm alone in my studio working. My heart is pounding, I feel like I'm watching my kindred spirit in action, and it is breathtaking.

Hobi steps back into position after running the members through the steps a few times. JK moves into the front, and the music starts again. There is no sign of his bunny grin. Instead, he is all sweaty and seductive. His hair is pulled back in a ponytail, the purple is fading, and I love that his natural hair color is starting to show.

He's in baggy gray sweatpants and an oversized white shirt, and watching him move his hips makes me think about what else he can do with them. I unconsciously pull my knees together, trying not to think about the way his hair looks slightly damp and inviting like he just stepped out of the shower.

I'm not sure if he can tell what's happening on my end, but he looks me in the eye and gives me a wink that simultaneously makes me want to melt and punch him in the face for being a brat. I know he was trained to entice, but I also know he's teasing me during this practice on purpose. There are many other people in this room, but he choose to shoot that wink right at me to test my reaction.

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