Chapter 43: "Future"

Start from the beginning

"Where's Foxy?" I asked taking notice of her absence. "Went in the garage. Wanted to be alone," said Helpy answering the question. "I see," I responded. "It's a shame of her struggles. Same for yours," said Bonnie. "It's just something everyone goes through. Something hard like feelings or one's own self worth, something personal. We all have our doubts or even realize we have problems. Experiences that can come in many forms," I responded. "Then you fight it and don't let it punch you in which while doing nothing. Nobody likes feeling more pain than what you have to carry," said Springbonnie. "Heh. Your way of viewing things really does extend the typical way of thinking. And I like that," I responded. "It's what makes her Springbonnie and my cousin," said Bonnie. "So? All of you are just relaxing?" I asked changing the subject. "Yep," said Helpy. "Nothing beats doing nothing. Until we feel like doing something else besides nothing," said Springbonnie. "Eh. If I didn't have to worry about the world I would be nothing every day," said Helpy. "What about doing something you like? A hobby, something you're passionate about or even helping Henry?" I asked. "My hobbies included watching videos, playing games on Henry's phone, and helping him with projects. Though I'm not helping him because I'm not experienced enough with some of the tech he's working on currently. I only know a handful like fixing basic components for TV's or computers or something simple like that," responded Helpy. "Fixing computers and TVs? I don't think even I could fix something so hard like that," expressed Springbonnie. "You would think so but all it involves is diagnosing the faulty component then replacing it. Making gadgets or machines like what Henry works on? No way I can understand how that works as of right now," responded Helpy. "I never knew you could do that," I said. "Well, now you know. I did also helped replaces components for you and the others when some of were damaged by your previous battle against William and his followers, though that isn't much still," said Helpy. "Oh! So you're like a medic? Or repair robot? Or both?" said Springbonnie. "Neither really. Just do what I can and that's it. I have been functioning for a while anyways," said Helpy. "I'm surprised none of you knew this about him, since he's been here with all of you for a while now," I noted. "He never really bothered to talk or even interact with any of us," said Bonnie. "Seems he was shy. Always doing his own thing and ignoring us when he tried to talk to him. Until he finally got out of his hole and started talking to us," said Springbonnie. "Ok! Making me seem like I was antisocial!" exclaimed Helpy. "I didn't know any of you. You were new people and I hadn't been functioning for so long, I was still adjusting to being in this world. Of course, as I became acquainted with living I also felt it was the right time to make an effort and get to know all of you. I just needed time, that was all." "Reasonable point. I wasn't fond of being with Springbonnie and Mangle when I joined their team... Well, more like they convinced, along with Fredbear, to join them. I was used to others like Freddy, Chica, and Foxy, though with Mangle I only knew she was related to Foxy since she was his sister and I knew Springbonnie was my cousin, though I hadn't talked to her really until our team was formed. I mean, our world has only existed for a week... or was it longer than that? I don't know maybe it was a year and it felt shorter since I was always with the group of others all the time. Hell, I barely even had time to properly talk with the Toy Animatronics and especially Toy Bonnie, my brother because we were so busy doing our jobs and such every day," explained Bonnie. "What jobs did you and everyone do?" I asked. "Well, I was mainly fixed or designed instruments and ran a music store. Music is always seemed I've been into," he responded. "I never knew that," I said. "Yeah. Like I said, everyone had a job to do or work on. Freddy was apart of construction, Chica was in charge of farming and even baked and cooked for everyone. And Foxy worked alongside Lolbit with her business most of the time. But when we were done for the day, and the weekends, the four of us ran a band we would perform every Friday night for everyone to kick back and relax. You should've seen everyone all happy every time we performed, especially since we would prepare by practicing and writing songs on our own, never disappointing the crowd once. Wish those days didn't have to end," responded Bonnie. "It's the memories that help you cherish those moments and to never forget the good times, even if you may never get to relive them again," I said. "Guess so... It's what Freddy, Chica, and Foxy would've wanted," said Bonnie. "So Springbonnie, what was your job?" I asked. "Oh, I just ran a library. Nothing interesting really," she responded. "You didn't like your job?" I asked. "What? Nah, of course I did. I love it! Knowledge and history is pretty cool, learning new things and especially about the world. Why else do you think I would join Mangle as apart of her team.. Just... nobody else seemed to care about history or knowledge. People only checked out books that Toy Freddy had written or cooking tips by Chica, nothing cool like the history of the world we lived in or anything like that. Shelves for that stuff just sat and collected dust, except for when I read those books myself because it wasn't like anyone else would. Nobody seemed interested in learning about the world, or what I was into," she explained. "Not be rude or assume but did you have no friends? Because of that difference?" I asked. "Yeah, pretty much. Sucked being alone, but I got used to it... except the times it hurt to have no one to talk to or call a friend. Then I met Mangle, who saw something in me and the difference I had compared to everyone else. She offered me to join her team and explore the world and stop the threat of the Flipside and I accepted. She even wanted my knowledge over the world in terms terrain and how it could affect our strategies in battle, in which I learned a new way to apply my field of expertise and especially with someone who appreciated my passion. That's how Mangle became my first friend," continued Springbonnie. "So you're also going to exclude me from your friends list?" asked Bonnie. "Eh, do your relatives really count as friends?" asked Springbonnie. "Wow. Way to go hurting me inside," said Bonnie. "Doesn't mean you're not the best cousin I could ever have," she responded hugging him. "Ok, ok. Not for too long," he said hugging her back. "So, what did Mangle do then before she formed the team?" asked Helpy still staring at the phone. "Nothing for a while," said Bonnie as he and Springbonnie broke their hug. "What? Nothing? So she was a bum?" asked Helpy actually turning to look away from the screen finally. "Well, she physically couldn't. Her body was... well, mangled. Torn apart and disconnected, that was just how she born and made," explained Bonnie. "What, you didn't have somebody that could fix her?" questioned Helpy. "Well Puppet... Our Puppet was our healer, or mechanic, or whatever didn't have the parts to put her back together. She was irreparable for a long time and thus had little to no capabilities of doing any jobs or work. However she came up with the idea of being a security guard, and also being a police officer like what you guys have in this world. This wasn't much to really guard or protect, since nobody really acted out of line or did anything illegal like steal or whatever except the occasional argument someone had with some else. Still, that was enough for her to give her something to do and actually love," explained Bonnie. "Huh. I guess I could see her being a cop. And a good one at that," noted Helpy. "Eventually Fredbear somehow was able to obtain random parts that were enough to repair Mangle. Not sure where he got them from because he never explained, at least from what Mangle told me since I only know this because she told me how it happened. Regardless she got fixed up good as new and continued to work with her current job, since it seemed right for her. Eventually our town encountered some of the creations from the Flipside, in which she defended our town and defeated all of them. It was then decided by Fredbear we would have to seek out where these creations came from and strike at the heart of the source and proposed a team capable of taking on the task. Mangle volunteered to form a group and learned basic moves for self defense and even started going into learning about leadership from Fredbear so she could lead the team. The rest is history. She found me and Springbonnie and convinced us to join and you know how the rest goes," continued Bonnie. "So how did you join Mangle's team then? Considering you hated it to begin with," asked Helpy. "Well, Springbonnie was partially the reason I was considered and accepted into the team. However Mangle saw something in me, something more than what I believed I was capable of being apart of myself. I didn't know what at the time but it was enough to warrant me to be officially on the team," answered Bonnie. "And what do you think she saw in you?" I asked. "Maybe that I was destined for something more, I think. I had a normal life and such and I was fine with it. I wasn't dreaming of going on some crazy adventure or becoming the hero of some story, or anything like that. Normal was enough for me. Training to become a warrior, fighting creatures and saving our world? That wasn't my thing. Yet Mangle convinced by telling me I had a choice of either letting my future die out to ensure everyone had a future, or let my future continue in a world where no one else has one. And somehow those damn words got me to join her. We may have a destiny to change the course of our future, but we still have control over our future. We are the one's who decide if we accept that destiny or not," said Bonnie. "Is that what you fight for then? So everyone else has a future?" I asked. "Pretty much. If I were to live after all this, and this is a big 'if', then I would like to start up another music shop again. Maybe this time learn how to actually fix and build instruments besides guitars and maybe make my own instruments. Though I may never get the chance to or even be able to return to the normal life I once had. Regardless the future for everyone in this world matters over mine because there is no point to having a future you can't share with everyone else's future because they don't exist," said Bonnie. "Well I'm not dying anytime soon so we should start a new band when this is over. You, me, and Mangle. Just three of us," suggested Springbonnie. "Well, that depends what happens after this is all over. Also you don't even know how to play any instrument," said Bonnie. "Ah, you can teach me and Mangle. Shouldn't be that hard," said Springbonnie. "Always you have a excuse in advance if you struggle with something," responded Bonnie shaking his head.

Talking and understanding the both of them, especially Bonnie helped me realize just what they were fighting for. Springbonnie was fighting so the world would still be here, and Bonnie was fighting so everyone had a future to look forward to. Maybe it was how Bonnie ended up here that made me realize just how relatable our experiences were. He was chosen by fate for something greater and wished to not give up on a life he was contempt living with, yet realized there was more to having his future when everyone that had a future was at stake. He made the choice to sacrifice his own so everyone would have a future and put the world first before himself and live to fulfill that duty. Just hearing his story made me respect him for that since I was thinking of neglecting my duties for my own personal and selfish reasons, even if they were justified. I had a lot to consider after that and reflect on, but it was something that would help me consider the position I was in and what to do from here on now. Everyone's future is indeed at risk and if it means giving away our own to ensure this world has a future, then so be it.

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