Won't let go

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Bruno sat in his room as he crossed his legs

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Bruno sat in his room as he crossed his legs. He wanted to look into their future, he needed to know if his being with her would affect her in any way.

Soon his eyes held bright green as he opened them, wisp of green flowed like water from a river as he saw a woman in a skinny puffed dress. Her Afro seemed to be packed tight.

" Aoife?.." he spoke his hand reaching up as he began to stand the woman was holding his hand a smile on her face as she huddled a blanket.

" What is in the blank-" he was cut off when his brother-in-law barged in the room making his vision disappear before a green glass showed a woman holding something in a blanket and him standing tall peering in the blanket smiling.

" Brother!!!" Felix shouted making the male jump from his position as he looked like a toddler mess from the chambers of his stacked up clothes beside his bed.

" Felix stop yelling" Agustín hummed out patting the chubby boy in his back as he slightly laughed before he focused on Bruno.

" Bruno you look good..." he kissed his teeth as he saw the disheveled blue poncho and the signature small swirls of green at the bottom a long long green shirt under it with simple long pants as he hurried up to a standing position as a mouse caught in there wrong.

" Uh thank you Aoife made the shirt...she made the outfit" he seemed to hush as he keep on talking on her his voice getting lower and lower as he punched the smooth blue fabric in his fingertips as he gave an awkward smile when he was done speaking and everything making both of the boys look at him as if he wasn't ok.

" you do know your wedding is today right, and people are going to want to see you in a few in front of the crowd so we can see how that goes. I think it would be best to not keep them waiting. You know how Aoifes family is." Yes her family had come from their homeland to them to see her get married to him. Yet behind his hands laid the future of what was to come. He finally allowed his mind to wonder on that subject smiling like a complete fool.

I and her are going to have kids, we will have kids! He seemed to fangirl in his head about it while the two men looked at him in question.

" Do you think we should get him out of this?" Felix questioned slightly pulling his green top that was paired with regular pants and Agustín just shrugged slightly at what the man beside him.

" I think we should just let him enjoy himself for a bit, I wonder how the girls are doing with this and all, if I know better maybe dancing Aoife, gets side-tracked a lot" he hummed don't as he pushed his glasses up.

" yeah, though he does too, it makes them perfect for each other"

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