Day 112

1 1 0

Date: 6.1.22
Joke: What falls but never hits the ground? The temperature!

What does everyone listen to, but no one believes?The weather reporter!

Quote: "hey hey hey lover! You don't have to be a star, hey hey hey lover, I love you just the way you are" - Hey Lover! By Wabie

Today was good. It was good. I couldn't sleep very well last night, idk why. But it may be cause it's gonna be that time of the month any day now.

So I was up at 9 am, not by choice. I had to get up cause my mom had gotten me a hair appointment and Covid booster appointments in like an hour. So I laid in bed for a while, then sped showered and got ready. Then we headed to my hair appt. I got it trimmed up again and I loveeee it shortttt!! And my brother N had his hair done too. His hair used to be all the way down to his shoulders but he cut it super short! It looks really good but gonna take some getting used to. Then we went to get Covid boosters, and it wasn't too bad. My arm is sore now but ya know that's how it goes. We did convince my mom to get those popper tube fidget things while we were there... we were popping them in the car on the way to get "lunch" and I have a feeling she regrets buying them for us! :) but we got lunch then finally stopped at a bookstore and I got the last book in the scythe series!

Once we got home I started reading it and did some laundry. Then me and E called and we chatted and did an ab workout together over the phone! It feels sooo good to work out! And then I reorganized my school stuff for the new year and did some of my math for the week. Sequences are not my jam. I don't like when they say "find the sequence/write a rule" for a random set of numbers cause literally everything is fair game. factorials, exponents, the lot! And the examples aren't helpful. Whatever, i think I'll survive but it will still be rough.

After that we learned that school was canceled yet again for tomorrow. Cause they're worried about the weather. Today, they expected a blizzard and got some wimpy snow/rain cause it couldn't decide what it wanted to do. But it's supposed to freeze overnight so I guess we'll see.

So we watched the new Clifford movie as a family. It has some awesome actors in it! I love jack Whitehall sooo muchhh!!! He's hilariousssss!! I mean it was cheesy, but made us laugh a couple times! Then I just kinda scrolled through yt for a bit before we started getting ready for bed. And now I'm in bed! I think I may read for a bit but we'll see.

I think it's funny how we came back from out west for school but have technically only had one day of school anyways, ironic I guess.

I don't really have much to share but yeah, that's been my day.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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