Day 102

2 1 0

Date: 27.12.21
Joke: What did Santa have to pay for parking his sleigh? Nothing, it was on the house!
Quote: "I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now" - Wonderwall by Oasis

Woo, today was a lot. I was up at 6 and we left for the mountain at 7.30, super early ik. And it was a MEGA POWDER DAY!!!!!! It was EPICCCC!!! They got 7 inches last night!!! As well as 6 in from the previous day!! It was SOOO FUNNN!!!!!!! It was heaven, just gliding on a cloud! It was so much fun! I love snow! So it was awesomeee!! Then it got skiied out and my knees like locked on me. Like I couldn't catch an edge or turn or anything. I felt like a beginner. Kinda frustrating... I got 10 runs total and a solid half day so it was pretty good overall. When we got back, I ate lunch and started reading the rules to Wingspan so we could play it later. Then I sat and read for a while. And then we just hung out for a bit. And we had pizza for dinner. I'm sick of pizza. And we tried playing wingspan and it kinda fell apart. And then we played cards against humanity family edition. And then we just kinda chilled and went over tomorrows plan. I'm so tired.

I'd love to keep talking but I'm exhausted. Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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