Say 149

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Date: 12.2.22
Joke: I was just diagnosed as colorblind. I know, it certainly has come out of the purple.

Quote: "'Whatever it does,' he said, 'it will be an imperfect solution. So let us embrace the imperfect." - The Toll: Neil Shusterman

Oh man I'm exhausted, travel is just hard sometimes you know? But basically I was up ar like 7 this morning, had a somewhat lazy morning, then packed and got ready for the day. The vast majority of my day was spent traveling... I mean it was alright but meh. I got to watch my climbing team's results for divisionals today! E just barely made it to the final round tomorrow, B didn't and C didn't. Which was surprising cause C is our best climber... but whatever. Then our layover flight was kinda cutting it close, we boarded with like 10 min to spare, love walking across the entire airport. But then E was giving me play by plays of what was happening cause the team was hanging out together at the hotel, so I said why don't you just call me and I can listen in, so I got to listen to the chaos for a precious 30 min while we walked to the next gate, it was awesome and I loved hearing her voice especially. I love her so much. But then we had our last flight home! And now I'm home! (Not quite cause I'd say home is truly with my team, specifically E, but still) I slept during the last flight but I'm still exhausted.

I don't really have much else to say here and it's so late/early I'm gonna just end this.

Oh, i did take my phone off airplane mode to 209 messages from E... hope she's okay, but I can't read them until tomorrow cause of my stupid limits....

GTKYQ: Early bird or night owl? (I'm an early bird definitely)

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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