Day 163

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Date: 26.2.22
Joke: Knock knock, who's there? Banana? Banana who? Banana split so ice creamed!

Quote: "My love will not fade through the fire and rain" - Fire & Rain by May Kearney

Today was extremely lazy... I was up at 10 and kinda laid around until 4... in that time I did manage to burn pancakes though 🤷‍♀️, then I finally got up and got ready for the day. Then I took virgil on a walk and let him lead it, which he really liked, and it started kinda drizzling which was actually quite peaceful. Then I did homework, made noodles for dinner for me and my youngest bro, did some more hw, and then played blitz for a while before heading to bed... maybe.

I've been getting into the Vamps recently... but idk... I really like Connor he's amazing, and funny to watch. I've been trying to listen to their music but I've had to study up on mat Kearney cause I'm going to see him Thursday with E, so I have to know the words...

It's Quiet Uptown always brings me to tears... 😭😭

I'm gonna try and be productive tomorrow so I'm gonna end this and hopefully go to bed soon.

GTKYQ: favorite flavor of ice cream? Mine is mint chocolate chip followed closely by dark chocolate raspberry and anything super chocolatey

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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