Day 104

4 1 0

Date: 29.12.21
Joke: Joke of the Day: Why was the student confused when he went from English class to math class? Because he was taught that a double negative in English is bad, but in math, it's a positive!

Quote: "When I'm gone, I'm never really gone" - When I'm Gone by Katy Perry and Alesso

So this is gonna have to be quick cause I'm supposed to be asleep. Basically today, I was up at 6.45 without an alarm, so I read until like 7.30, then got ready for the day. I had to tag along to my bros doc appt for his broken wrist. They were playing the animated lion king in the waiting room and I forgot how sad it was. Then we stopped at a bakery for breakfast and then had to go see all my little cousins. It was chaos and stressful for me, too much. Then me and my mom went skiing. It was -6 C but felt like -16 C. I accidentally frostbit my nose... it was bright white and it feels better now but I guess we'll see. Then we were g o I n g to go hang out with cousins some more but the roads were sketchy so we just had a family dinner instead. We're all exhausted. Then I just read by the fire for a bit and now I'm here. I've got to end this.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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