Day 28 💚💙

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Date: 15.10.21

Joke: Why did the chicken cross the lake? It didn't. Chickens can't swim. Also, be careful if you're swimming in Philosophy Lake. It's deep.

Quote: "What's a life without the consequences? What's a knife without the sharpened edges?" - Hurt Locker by FINNEAS

Today was really fun, but I'm having another one of my emotional lapses right now so I'll try to keep it shorter. I was up at 6:15, the earliest I've been up for a week or so, and got ready for the day. Then we went to pick up my friend because she was going to spend the day at the lake with us. I have been looking forward to this for a while. We picked her up and got to the lake. Then, me and her went on a boat drive and listened to music for a few hours. Then we picked up my family and started taking turns on the boat. I got to surf, teach my friend how to surf, and then we surfed at the same time. It was super fun! We had to go to climbing practice so we had to cut the boat trip a little bit short. We got back to the house, got ready for climbing then went to practice.

At climbing practice there was more drama because one of my teammates was maybe exposed to Covid directly and hasn't been tested and should technically be in quarantine. So yeah. We Boulder projected (worked on a climb we couldn't get first go) and it was fun cause there was a new set I haven't climbed yet. Then we played a game called Flash or Trash, where you either get the climb first try and gain tons of points for your team, or you fall and lose points from your team. I fell on all 3 of my climbs. It was supposed to have lots of pressure and be an intense comp situation but I was bored. I didn't have enough energy to be involved in the stress of it, so I wasn't. I tried really hard on my climbs but still. Then, after practice, one of my other teammates told me that his sisters are massive 1D fans, cause I was telling some friends, him included, about my Harry styles concert. So now I know more Directioners! He says he's gonna surprise them with Harry styles tickets in a few weeks, which is awesome!

I came home and I literally have done like nothing. I have almost no energy. When I have almost no energy, I have deep thoughts. Here are some highlights:
-I need to avoid all the drama my friends are provoking
-maybe I need to get new friends
-stop fantasizing about your relationship with people, just try to live it
-why does drama always happen? It's frankly quite annoying. Maybe I should leave that group chat so I can avoid it
-I think I may be an introvert with extrovert energy. I don't like being around people but I definitely look like I do. I like being with certain people at certain times, if you know what I mean.
-stop imagining your future life with your friend, it's not gonna happen, can't see it realistically, just follow your own dreams
-what are my dreams? What do I want to do?

So basically having some major brain devouring thoughts. I know I should stay positive, and it gets better, but still hurts that the bumps in the road are this bad.

Hmmm, before I overthink this anymore, I'm gonna end it. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps. Please check out FINNEAS' new album "Optimist" it is fire 🔥 or THE DRIVER ERA's new album "girlfriend" which is also really good

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