Day 63

2 1 0

Date: 19.11.21
Joke: I was obsessed with the hokey pokey until I turned myself around!

Quote: "what are you doing to me now, what are you doin, huh".- Attention by Charlie puth

Today was good. Up early, and got to school to the band playing tons of annoying songs as a "pep rally" but it was excessively loud and it definitely woke me up. Also I was like half icicle when I got to school, it was frigid.

In English i got a 7/9 on a reading quiz!! The last one I took I got a 5/9 so I'm super happy with a 7/9!

At climbing we just Boulder projected the entire time! It was super fun! Then we had a chalk war! We put chalk all over our arms and faces and we had lines from our masks and it was hilarious!! Had tons of fun!

Then I had to come Home, do some homework and pack cause we leave at like 3am tomorrow morning to catch a flight to california for thanksgiving break. Packing was quite stressful and idk why cause I like being organized like that.

The moon is super pretty tonight. It's shining through my window onto my bed and it is awesome!! If only I got a good pic of it... ugh not that great at pics yet (the one at the beginning I took- not the best but still think it's cool)

I'm just tired now cause I spent the last 45 min spamming E with a story I made up on the spot. Just Cause I could and she said I could. Haha, it was about goats, Gucci, pet rocks, and kings, with plenty of musical references in there.

K im gonna end it Here so I can sleep. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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