Day 142

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Date: 5.2.22
What's the cheapest concert you could attend?
50 Cent featuring Nickleback.
(Only $153.45 after taxes and Ticketmaster fees.)

Quote: " How many miles does my soul have to drive before love can collide with the mess in my life?" - Ellie Holcomb (from E)

Today was kinda lazy but fun at the same time. I was up at 8.30 cause I set an alarm for once. Then I laid around all morning, then went to watch my brothers first hockey game of the weekend- it is so fun watching them play!! It's awesome!! I'm glad I went! Then I came home, ate lunch, reorganized my climbing bag, organized my chargers, and such. Then I made a snickerdoodle mug cake for dinner and it was really goooodd, definitely coming back to it. And I just kinda hung out for the night, watched some Olympics, and then found a series with my youngest bro to watch on Netflix. We decided on The Umbrella Academy. Take note, he's only 10, and this is rated tv-14, so it has some mature content he doesn't understand and I don't want to explain it to him so that's why I watched it with him. We got through 1 1/2 episodes then 'being horny' was brought up and I was like, it's bedtime now! And just avoided explaining it. So that's f u n. The series is pretty good though, could be interesting, I'll keep you updated on it. It's been a while since I've had a tv series to watch, so yeah.

I'm kinda running out of things to say soooo thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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