Day 133

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Date: 27.1.22
Joke: Joke of the Day: Two guys walk into a bar. One of them tells the bartender, "Could I get some H2O?" The second guy says, "Could I have some H2O too?" Once they get their drinks, the second man dies immediately.

Quote: "The world will never ever be the same, and you're to blame" - Hey There Delilah ( Plain White T's) rec. by E

I liked today, today was good. The bike ride to school was cold but I finally got out some hand warmers to use. They helped. School was fine, stoichiometry is getting kinda monotonous though. But pretty good overall I'd say. I'm ready for this week to be over. Then I didn't have anything after school, so I ate something then went on some errand trips with my mom and bro. We went and got Valentine's Day gifts for my cousins whose mom died about a year or so ago. They always made us gifts so we're gonna do the same. Then we went and I finally got a climbing rope! wooo!!! I got a rope and a bag! It's awesome!! I'm really happy about it! And then I came home and just kinda chilled. It was nice.

So E broke her phone the other day, like she can't turn it on now... so I haven't been able to text her... and I miss her. I didn't realize how much we texted until we weren't. And B is out skiing so he doesn't respond like at all. Which is good cause it means he's having fun but still. I'm feeling kinda lonely but I've got E's letters, and schoolwork to comfort me.

My word today was infallible and irrevocable.

I also wrote a quick poem:

I'm gonna actually try to sleep early today, so thanks for reading!Love you guys <3

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I'm gonna actually try to sleep early today, so thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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