Day 117

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Date: 11.1.22
Joke: why was the broom late for school? He swept in!

Quote: "Violet says, 'Are you okay now?' Her hair is windblown and her cheeks are flushed. Whether she likes it or not, she seems happy. I took a good long look at her. I know life well enough to know you can't count on things staying around or standing still, no matter how much you want them to. You can't stop people from dying. You can't stop them from going away. You can't stop yourself from going away either. I know myself well enough to know that no one else can keep you awake or keep you from sleeping. That's all on me too. But man, I like this girl. 'Yeah,' I say. 'I think I am.'" - All The Bright Places: Jennifer Niven

I'm starting to love that book even more when I read the pics of passages i took. I may reread it. It's a beautiful book. I would reread TFIOS but I gave my copy to ellie so she could read it.

I'm listening to it'll be okay by Shawn Mendes and normally cry but I'm smiling rn cause I know it will be okay. It's not a hope it's a promise.

Here's what happened today. I'm exhausted so we'll see how far we get. So I was up at 6.30 cause my asleep person turned off my alarm for 6 am.... this is like 4 nights now. I'm a tad bit worried... whatever. So I got ready for school, biked in -6 C, and started my school day. It was alright I guess. Really longggggg. I finished my math for the entire week (5 lessons) today, so that's something. During my math period in the library, the most obnoxious boys came to the library to "work on their project." They purposefully sat next to me and tried annoying me for most of the period. It was sooooo anoyyinggggg but of course I didn't show a reaction cause if I did, it would make it worse. And one of them randomly came up and took a burst of selfies with me in it.... So that's just wonderful knowing some freshman dirtbag has pics of me on his phone. Really annoying. English was just slowwww and I was kinda emotionally distraught which didn't help too much. After that, I biked home.

Then I got to go climb againnn!!! It is a new training day I'm adding with E!! So I went and A and ZH and E came too!! A and ZH kinda distracted me and E though, not gonna lie. But we did a 4x4, super hard and idk whyyyy, like I should be stronger than I was! Then I helped ZH take her lead belay test. She passed, and then E tried the monthly climb challenge (whoever gets it first gets a free cookie and free chalk), and fell 3/4 way there cause she was tired. Then we both did arc training twice. Basically you stay on the wall for 20 min at a time, and climb the hardest route on the auto belay, then medium, and Down climbing the easiet in between. And do that until the time runs out. We did that twice with 10 min rest in between. It was roughhhh but well needed. I think it helped a lot. Then I had to leaveeee. I wanted to stay longer but we were both wrecked.

Then I tagged along with my mom when she went to pick up my bro from hockey, and had to help a classmate with his chem hw over text. I can totally see myself teaching chemistry.... It would be cool. But anyways, I got home, had a cup of dark hot chocolate, and then I'm about to go to sleep. I took some melatonin to try and help but we'll see.

E has seems distant... and I honestly don't really like it... I wanna ask her and I've kinda tried hinting at it but she kinda plays it off. Maybe she's changing mentally like I am, which is totally okay! Our interactions just seem weird though, like they are tenser than they were before break. Maybe I'll ask her about it tomorrow.

I'm literally falling asleep so imma head to bed. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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