Day 47

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Date: 3.11.21

Joke: I wanted to take a picture of the fog this morning but I mist my chance. Guess I'll have to dew it tomorrow!

Quote: "Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire Cat smile?" - Wonderland by Taylor Swift

Today was pretty good, just long.
Key pts:
- what I did today
- red TV!
-between us LM!
-Driver era concert soon

So I had to bike to school in 6 degree weather, which isn't too too bad, and I enjoy the cold, just my fingers going from near numb to warm is always an odd sensation. Then I had my boring slow classes today. The day just dragged on and on and by the end I thought it was a Friday and was a little bit disappointed it was only a Wednesday. I got stuck on math, but my senior (in high school - grade 12) neighbor was able to help me with it. (It's crazy I'm doing the same math my almost graduated neighbor is doing!)

Then I had climbing practice which was actually super fun! It took quite a while for my fingers to fully warm up, but I had tons of fun! Our coaches said it was a toprope/lead projecting day, but kinda let us do whatever we wanted. So I got to climb a couple Lower grade ones and slab climbs! There was a white 5.10b on slab that is one of my favorite climbs in the gym right now! It's super fun moves but still kinda technical!

Then once I got home from practice, I ate some dinner- an açaí bowl, and finally finished my math assignment I have been stuck on all day. Then I did some organizing and redid my monthly whiteboard calendar. And now I'm getting ready for bed.

I finally finished Ender's game today! It got really slow near the end. My dad says the next books in the series are better but I don't really want to find out to be honest.

I can't wait for Red Taylor's Version!! Next Friday!! It's gonna be amazayn!! And Between Us by Little Mix as well! They have new songs I can't wait to hear!

I get to go see THE DRIVER ERA on December 2nd, and as I was redoing my monthly calendar today, I realized that it's not that far away. I feel like this year has gone by really quickly and I haven't had a chance to do much. But I have.

I think that's everything... I get to go outdoor climbing this weekend! It will be super fun! Can't wait! Also my wrist is kinda being a bother again...kinda worried but not bad enough for serious concern yet

I'm exhausted so I'm gonna go to bed, love you guys <3
Thanks for reading!

Ps don't die 🙃

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