Day 77

2 1 0

Date: 3.12.21
Joke: How do you ask Scar to stop being so mean? Be a little bit more Simbathetic!

Quote: "Oh, your secret's safe with me" - Secret by Joshua Bassett, it's a bop

Today started pretty good and it has gotten better. I had my mom drop me off at school early for chem tutoring. In chem we did. reaction prediction which was honestly pretty easy. In German, i got to work on the class puzzle for most of class cause we weren't doing stuff which was fun. In APHuG it was kinda a free day and we worked through the lesson on our own. Kinda boring tbh. Then in Art I started assembling my cardboard windmill.

Then right after school I was picked up and we went straight to the movies for my bro's bday. He chose to watch the new ghostbusters in 4DX, lemme tell you 4DX is not fun. It's where the chairs move, air is sprayed at you from all directions, and it just doesn't work at all. It's a lot to handle. And on top of that, you're trying to snack on popcorn and stuff. I lasted about 15 min then started feeling nauseous, so I took my snacks and sat on the steps as you walk up to your seats for the rest of the movie. They were pretty comfy and the movie was pretty good. It had a lot of Witty humour that I appreciated.

Then on our way home my other brother made my mom mad, idk why, which killed the mood in the car. At home I watched the new freelancers episode and then just chilled. 5SOS is going on tour next year and I wanna go!!

I have a climbing comp tmrw so I need some sleep. Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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