Day 29

3 1 2

Date: 16.10.21

Joke: Why are 2+2=5 and your left foot similar? Because they're not right!

Quote: "I just wanna live in this moment forever, 'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better" - Angel Baby by Troye Sivan

My Spotify decided to play Wait by M83 from The Fault In Our Stars soundtrack... hang on lemme cry over Gus' death. Okay, we're good. I love that movie and book so much.

Today was pretty nice. I was up at 10 somehow... why do I keep sleeping in, goodness. I laid in bed for a lonnngggg time reading After, and I finally finished it. I will NOT be reading after 2 (after we collided, I think is it's real name) because after was a pain to read. No offense meant towards ms todd, but I did not like it at all. Larry fanfics are so much better. Also, there were tons of grammar mistakes for a book that is published in real life.

After I finished that, I kept reading Ender's Game. I started it yesterday cause I needed a new book, and I can't read RWRB, so this was kinda next on my list. I'm actually really enjoying it. It's a very intriguing book. Then, I finally convinced myself to get out of bed, so I got ready for the day at like 2 pm. We took Virgil and Teddy, a dog we are dog sitting this weekend, on a walk. It was really nice outside. 18 degrees C which I think is like the perfect temperature.

Once we got back, I organized my room. I have meant to do it for a few months so it was nice to do. It looks super neat now, but I don't think it will stay like this for very long.

I have a sore throat today, and idk why. It was a little bit scratchy yesterday too. I think it's mainly cause I spent all day yesterday and the day before in pretty chilly water without a wetsuit. Hopefully it will clear up soon. I also "sang," if you can call it that with a sore throat, Let It Go by Idina Menzel, from Frozen, and it actually was really good. It's the best I've sung it in a while, and I don't know how that works.

Okay, Harry doing mundane things really made my day today. 😁 He was so focused on all the "chores." The best parts in my opinion is when he was hitting the chair constantly with the vacuum and when he was proud of himself for using the iron to water the bonsai. For some reason it made me laugh... it shouldn't because I know all adults do these things. I think it's because he did it all super intensely and there wasn't any talking, just the funky music. It will probably be my comfort video for a while. 😁

I'm over Holivia.

Tomorrow, I get to decapitate Mario! For my Mole Day project because my plushies came today! I took his hat and mustache off already and he looks like a balding 45 year old! 😂. I wish I got a pic, maybe tomorrow I will.

I'm pretty sure that's everything. (Yes, Taylor's Album Lover is wayyy underrated. I'd say it's actually my favorite album of hers. Either that or 1989) Thanks for reading! Love you guys <3

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