A Continuation

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It's Official. A new story has been posted right now. Upon the Stars is a continuation of this. It includes Chan-yeol, Dae-Hyun, Do-Woon and Min-su. All friends or brothers of four Gen10 members.

The story will follow Chan-yeol as he lives life as a K-pop idol. He also tries to become closer to his elder brother, Quill, after Gen10 disbanded. The story contains flashbacks and talks about a lot of old stories of Gen10.

Upon The Stars was a survival show created to pick a 9-member debut group. There were 90 contestants. It was a global survival show and was a collab of Pledis and BigHit so pretty much a Hybe Labels show. The group becomes Galaxy and this story follows their life around. No drama, no hiatus (or maybe). Anyway if you enjoyed Unknown Trainee, then read my continuation 'Upon the Stars'

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