Preparing for the audition

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A few days after arriving in Korea the audition day had finally arrived. I walked into the building where there were tons of applicants waiting to start the audition and they were all so handsome, I felt like the odd one out. I was in the corner practicing my audition piece which was Cypher pt.4 and since it couldn't be a full song I just focused on Suga's part. As I was practicing a guy came up to me and introduced himself.

"Hello, My name is Daniel"

He was a sweet kid, very tall as well. I recognized him, but I couldn't tell from where.

"Oh hello, I'm Quill"

"Quill? What a unique name, but that means you're also Korean-American as well right? Wow, not a lot of people here are Korean-American"

This guy's talkative, but I thought I could make my first friend and he was nice enough, so I might as well try to make one.

"Actually i'm American"

"What? Wow, you're Korean is so well, what are you doing here?"

"My grandparents are Korean and my mother was adopted by them and her and my father are American, I lived in Korea till I was almost 6 then moved to the states and then I saw BTS Boy with Luv song and decided to become an idol"

"Wow that is so awesome, I've always wanted to be a singer since I was a kid and then I tried to debut last year on this show called I-Land, but only got to the final 9 which was fine because then I joined Pledis and now i'm here meeting you"

So that was where I saw him. I remember watching I-Land on my computer every Friday because I was interested in seeing what you need in an idol and what I need to know. It was so cool to meet him because personally he was at least my top 3, after Jay and K of course. Me and him got along so well and now since we've become friends, I would really like to debut with him. We sat in the back doing our audition pieces to each other and giving each other feedback. He had a lot of experience after I-Land so every critique I was given I took very seriously, but when it came to his turn he seemed almost perfect, but a few notes could've been better. While we were practicing two producers came in along with three Seventeen members, Woozi, S.Coups, and Hoshi. Woozi was going to judge us on the vocals, S.Coups would judge us on our rap and Hoshi was going to judge us on our dance. I was nervous because the only thing I knew was that there were two parts of the audition, the vocal/rap audition and then we had to dance as well. If I had to sing I would most definitely not debut because I was not the strongest vocalist which is why I was always practicing rap. We were told to stand in a line and Daniel and I shot up and stood right beside each other and damn this guy was tall compared to me. The producers gave a speech and then the auditions started.

"Number 204, Quill"

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