Quill Hiatus

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Si-woo POV~

Two days before we were supposed to be back at the studio and prepare to fly for our tour, I went back early. After hearing about Quill and his plan to do a hiatus I wanted to stop him. As someone who he looks up to as an older brother, I should be there. I should help him through everything

Haneul POV~

The guys were upset that I left earlier than planned, but they don't understand. It's business. Business to help my younger band member with his problems, with the hate he received. I'm open-minded and straightforward. I saw what I want, I do whatever I want. Today, I was going to make sure no one messed with my brother again.

Hyun-Jung POV~

I planned to stay in Tokyo until our tour started. Change of plans. I booked the first flight I could back to Korea, my bandmate needed me. As the oldest of Gen10, I was to be there for everyone. Be there and help whichever way I could, whether it was support Quill, or convince him to not return to The States. That was a decision I would make on the wim.

Junwoo POV~

Thanks to my parents' understanding, I headed back to Seoul. Who would be our leader if Quill quit? I couldn't imagine Gen10 without the heart of our crazy maknae line. I mean who would be our main rapper? Si-woo is good, but you can't just replace someone you've spent a lot of time with. That's why I must go back, even if it's by myself.

Seo-Jun POV~

Crazy to think I had free time after finishing the competition and I'm heading back to my dorm just to help a member. I mean, I felt the need to. He was our leader, Gen10 wouldn't function without our leader. We could do without their crazy pranks, but other than that it's like if we don't have Quill. Gen10 isn't complete. Which is why I must help him.

Quill POV~

Me and Daniel had a great time at the lake, tonight's our last night together and then tomorrow he goes to the dorms and I get dropped off at the airport to head down to the States. My parents are really excited for me to return, my younger siblings are over the moon.

"Dong-Hyun! Dong-Kyu! It's time for the boat ride, you guys better get down here quickly or we're leaving without you" My grandfather yelled up the stairs as me and Daniel were lounging in his room laughing with each other.

"Pa! You think I could drive?"

"And let you go on a rampage and kill us all? No thanks kiddo!"

Daniel laughed as we walked down the stairs and grabbed the baskets of food for my grandparents as they led us out to the boat on the dock. There was a raft for me and Daniel to go tubing on whenever we felt like it. I thought it'd be best if I just left my boot back on the dock so I didn't get soaked by any water that just so happened to splash into the boat.

"Today's your last day, we'll be sad to see you guys go off. Dong-Kyu is like another grandchild of mine. We'll miss you both dearly, which is why we are on a nice family boat ride" Daniel smiled at my Grandmother's comment of him being like another grandchild.

I didn't want to leave the guys for my hiatus, but I believe it's what's best for the group. Even though Haneul Hyung went crazy on twitter once he found out.

'Anyone who says anything bad about my baby brother Quill. WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF KIM HANEUL'

Can't forget the worst of them all.

'I will personally cancel the tour if I find anymore rumours being spread of our leader Quill. TRY ME! TRY ME!'

Daniel found it funny that Haneul went crazy on the fans. I just found it embarrassing. He's sticking up for me and that's really cool, but did he have to be that crazy? Like I know he's straightforward with stuff, but like now he's just crazy.

"Quill this is going to be so fun!" Daniel exclaimed as we climbed onto the boat and my grandpa started driving away from the dock.

Luckily for my last few days in Korea for who knows how long, I have Daniel by my side.

Luckily for my last few days in Korea for who knows how long, I have Daniel by my side

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(Gen10's Crazy Maknaes)

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(Gen10's Crazy Maknaes)

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