Gen10 Morning

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It was the next morning at the lake house and we all piled into two separate rooms. Daniel had to share with Haneul and Hyun-Jung while I got Junwoo, Si-woo and Seo-Jun. I was the first to awaken so I could warn my grandparents of the random kids in their lake house.

“Ma! That smells so good” I said walking into the kitchen where my grandparents were cooking a big breakfast.

“We saw some extra shoes by the doors. I guess we had company, so I made extra” My grandmother smiled as she turned back to the oven

“I bet the guys will be happy with all this food”

Daniel came down with Haneul and Junwoo as they rubbed their eyes trying to wake themselves up. “Grandmother Park, your food smells so good like usual!”

“Oh Dong-Kyu, you're such a charmer. I noticed Dong-Hyun had some friends, so we made loads of food, especially with your tour coming up. You need to eat a good meal”

She set all the food down on the table as Junwoo ran upstairs to wake everyone up and Haneul immediately began digging in. My grandmother smiled at him eating so well before she left and joined my grandfather in the living room. Me and Daniel laughed at Haneul as he was stuffing his cheeks with almost everything in sight.

“What, do I have something on my face?” He looked up at us with his cheeks puffed with food.

“Aish, Haneul. Aren’t we supposed to be on a diet? I don’t want to eat too much and gain weight before our tour” Hyun-Jung joined us in our little feast with the others following.

“I’m an athlete, I don’t gain weight. Plus who cares what the manager says, i’m eating all I want whether he likes it or not” Haneul stuck his tongue out at Hyun-Jung as everyone else started to dig in before Haneul took every last bite of food.

“Wow! This food is amazing, Quill! You better invite me back here next summer or else i’m hiding in your luggage” Junwoo’s eyes lit up as I laughed at his comment of sneaking into my luggage.

“Yeah, I’ve had the best meals of my life here. Man I don’t ever want to leave this place” Daniel was grabbing some food with his chopsticks when Si-Woo snatched the food before he could. “Si-Woo! I wanted that!”

“No way! This is my favorite”

We all started to laugh at their bickering as the food began to run low. Now since we finished off the food, it was time for us to swim. Me and Daniel changed into our swimsuits while the guys just stole some shorts from me and Daniel and ran into the lake with those.
“Jet Skis? Let me use it, please Quill” Haneul begged pretty much getting on his knees while Daniel started one up.

“Fine. I’ll ride with Daniel, you can go on that one” I pointed to the blue one that was supposed to be mine, but Daniel let me hold onto him while I sat behind him.

“Haneul hyung!” Junwoo yelled running down the dock as I helped Haneul start the jet ski. “Let me ride with you!” He didn’t even give Haneul a chance to reply before buckling up a life vest and hopping onto the back holding onto Haneul’s waist.

“Hyung! Let’s see who can make it past that tree first” Daniel suggested as he pointed to this one specific tree that hung really low and had no leaves at all.

I looked over at Haneul as he gave a smirk and he and Daniel immediately started going as fast as they could. Me and poor Junwoo didn’t even get a warning and we almost fell off. Daniel and Haneul were neck and neck until Daniel's grasp slipped from the handles and sent both of us flying off. As I popped my head out of the water I could hear Haneul laughing at us as he turned back around to check on us.

"That was awesome!" Daniel exclaimed throwing his hands to the sky as I immediately went back to the jet ski and hopped on.

"Daniel! If ya don't hurry up I'm leaving you behind and you can swim back to shore"

"Five seconds! Okay Haneul hyung we'll race you back to the dock!"

I face palmed as Daniel climbed on and held onto my waist. If Haneul could, he would've hit our jet ski with his. Junwoo counted us down as we started racing back to the dock. Daniel was constantly in my ear about winning even though I was ahead. Daniel turned around to look back at Hanuel who was driving towards the shore. I made it back to the dock first and Haneul was headed straight for the shore where our members were swimming.

"Haneul! Watch out!!" Daniel shouted as we watched Haneul almost take Si-Woo's head off.

Me and Daniel stood on the dock as Haneul drove up the sand causing the jet ski to stop and almost sent Haneul's face into the handle bars. Junwoo quickly got off and ran toward Si-Woo to apologize for Haneul's actions as Si-Woo laid in the water after watching his life flash before his eyes.

"Jesus Christ! Haneul! Are you actually insane? Almost took off our members head"

"I had the time of my life, man I'm exhausted. Can we go inside and watch television?"

"Let's go!" Si-Woo quickly butted in and ran straight for the house as we all stood there laughing.

My grandparents were on the porch reading some magazines as we all walked inside to get change. I forgot my grandparents enjoyed a freezing cold house, so we all pretty much froze in place from how cold it was. Hyun-Jung sprinted up the stairs, tripping over some, and right into Daniel's room to get on his clothes.

I was going to miss laughing with everyone.

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