Airport Crazies

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Seo-Jun POV~
The vans dropped us off at the airport and as we tried to get through the entrance, cameras were there waiting for us. Our manager had us stand in a line for the cameras as we stood there and waved before the bodyguards pretty much shoved us through the entrance. Fans were shoving phones in our faces and I could see Haneul glare down a girl because she hit him in the face with her phone. Me, Junwoo, and Hyun-Jung had our hair dyed just this morning as soon as we arrived at the dorms and the fans weren’t allowed to see any preview of it until the tour started, so we had to keep hats and hoodies on tight while fans tried to pull them down.

“Come on, keep moving forward, avoid all the camera lights” Our manager yelled as he kept shoving me forward until we finally made it to the waiting area for us.

“Dude a girl straight up smacked me in the face with her phone. It was on purpose too! She was all giggly to her friend after and I glared them down! Like yeah cool your fans, but I do not want to be smacked in the face by your phone!” Haneul slumped down in one of the seats as we all just flopped somewhere whether it was the floor or couch.

“A girl shoved her phone in my face and her phone case was just filled with pictures of me.” Daniel was showing us how he had a phone came at him.

“Someone almost grabbed my hat and hood! I was holding onto it for dear life” Junwoo tried to laugh it off and the manager came back into the waiting room.

“Okay, luggage is checked in. Now we can start boarding the plane, don’t worry no one will bother you while on this plane so rest up then tonight we will spend practicing, tomorrow we will practice in the morning then during the afternoon we will do our sound check, then a fan meet and then the concert at night. Everyone know what we are doing?”

“Yeah, yeah. Practice, more practice, sound check, fans, and concert. Easy. Now can we get onto the airplane, I’m tired and I want to sleep” Haneul stretched and grabbed his carry on bag as our manager led us to the airplane gate.

“Seo-Jun! Me and you will sit together, come on I want to beat Haneul to the seats” Hyun-Jung came up to me and grabbed my arms and started dragging me along as we quickly ran into the plane entrance.

“No! I don’t want to sit by Haneul, he snores” Daniel whined as he quickly butted in between us.

“Exactly, I’m his roommate! I am not dealing with him for another night” I argued as Hyun-Jung and I started racing Daniel into the plane. We stopped for a brief moment, said thank you to the flight attendant and immediately started lightly jogging to our seats.

I had sat down first in a window seat and Daniel got into the seat beside me. Our seats were the type of seats that could transform into a bed we could lay on, and only two seats were sat by each other. It was like first class, or it was, I don’t know if our manager got us these tickets so I didn’t really care. (Author’s Note: For reference of the seats, they are like the airplane seats BTS took in Bon Voyage season 4 to New Zealand)

“Hah! Hyung has to sit by Haneul Hyung!” Daniel teased as Hyun-Jung sulked over to the seat beside Haneul.

Si-Woo and Junwoo were sat beside us and they were laughing and talking as Junwoo about took off his hat, but Si-Woo suggested he keep it on so no one accidentally caught it on camera and it’s exposed before our tour. Me and Daniel were teasing each other and when the food arrived for us we tried out each other's food and I playfully fed him like a small child.

“Seo-Jun Hyung, do you think we’ll do good on our tour?”

I took a bite of my slice of cake and patted Daniel on the head. “Of course, we have you of course, I bet most of our fans are from them watching you on I-Land”

“You really think so? Also I came up with something to say during the American Interviews we may do in the future” I looked at him smiling as he prepared himself to say it. “It’s Daniel! What is up my NextGen!” He looked at me so proud as I did small claps. “That’s so cute, I remember watching you do that on I-Land for ‘Dive Into You’. You’ve grown so much”

Daniel slightly blushed and he turned away as I laughed at him being flustered. “I-Land was the reason I got into wanting to become a K-pop idol. I also heard Quill watched I-Land and you were his top 3, after Jay and K sunbaenim” (In this story, the Hybe Japan Idol group of EJ, K, Ta-ki and Nicholas have debuted. I love them too much)

“Oh, I hope while we are in Japan we can visit them! I miss K hyung, and Ta-ki hyung” Daniel smiled as a flight attendant came by and took our empty plates of food. Me and Daniel laid our beds down and tried to fall asleep after eating.

Time Skip~
We had just landed and we were grabbing our luggage as our manager went around checking for all the staff and he made sure we were all here.

"Haneul! Stop getting into Si-Woo's snack bag! That is for after practice, now c'mon everyone the vans are waiting"

Everyone laughed as we watched Haneul put back the snacks he snuck out and sadly grab his suitcase. Now since we are out the airplane and walking to our vans, the tour can officially start.

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