Junwoo Vacation

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For my break my parents wanted to take me out to a beach house to rent. It wasn't very big, but the beach was very pretty. My older brother came along with us and me and him don't get along very well.

"C'mon Jeong-Hoon, leave me alone for the car ride" Jeong-Hoon was messing with me and punching me while I tried to sleep.

"Junwoo! Jeong-Hoon! Stop it, you two are not little children" My mother raised her voice as we both sulked in our seats and looked out the window to avoid each other.

My brother was still a trainee because he failed the audition to join the debut group while I got in. I was always the better trainee and all the staff working there knew that and always complimented me and left him in the dust so he's always held resentment against me. That's why I saw Si-woo more as my older brother than Jeong-Hoon.

"Jeez Junwoo. Always getting me in trouble for no reason, eomma and appa should've never invited you with us. This was supposed to be a nice family vacation but you always have to ruin everything"

Yep, that's my elder brother. When we were kids he was the first to train with the company because he was always a better dancer and was a good singer. But when I joined the company I picked up things quicker than he had and I became the best dancer and I was only 12 and he was 14. Then me and him auditioned for the debut group together and during the audition he fumbled and during his song his voice cracked and then during the dance he tripped. Ever since then he's hated me more than when we were just trainees.

"Jeong-Hoon! Don't talk to your baby brother like that. I'm sick of you holding resentment towards him because he debuted and you didn't. You're a better actor anyway" My father and mother were sick of him being jealous. They encouraged him to leave the company and just become an actor like he's been studying.

"Yeah Jeong-Hoon Hyung. Being an actor would be better anyway, you're famous and you don't have to practice every single day for hours at a time"

"But I don't want to be an actor! I want to become an idol, I'm perfect! I can speak English, Junwoo can't. I can dance, sing and I'm handsome"

Jeong-Hoon isn't wrong. But he ain't perfect. He's more mediocre, he ain't that handsome, he takes weeks to learn dances and his singing can't even hit the higher octave unlike mine. And I'm learning English thanks to Quill and Daniel.

"Okay boys. Stop your bickering, we are here!" My mother clapped her hands together once and quickly hopped out of the car.

"Hyung, let's just keep this trip peaceful and not fight for our parents" I said smiling at him and putting my hand out so we could shake and make some peace.

"In your dreams kid. I will make sure you have zero fun this whole week" He shoved me into the door as he stomped out and grabbed his bags from the trunk.

"Be nice, mom said. Yeah right, I'd love to see him be nice to me for once" I mumbled under my breath as I got out of the car and grabbed my bags from the trunk.

My parents were optimistic about having a good vacation, but all I could think about was how to avoid my brother so I don't accidentally get killed by him. He glared me down the entire time as we walked to our rooms. Great. I have to share a room with him, better yet a bunk bed. I think I'll be sleeping in the bathroom for the rest of the trip. I set my bags down in a corner and started grabbing my stuff out, preferably a stuffed bunny Si-woo had given me for my birthday one year while we were trainees. He said I was like a bunny, always bouncy and very soft hearted.

"Aww, baby Junwoo had to sleep with a stuffed bunny" Jeong-Hoon mimicked, acting like he was a baby and fake crying.

"Cut it out Jeong-Hoon! You know Si-woo gave it to me for my birthday, of course I still have it" He grabbed the bunny from my hands and held it high in the air. "Jeong-Hoon! Seriously cut it out, just give it back!"

"Aww baby Junwoo is going to cry without his bun bun" I kept trying to grab it when my phone went off. "Just put it back in my bag while I take this"

Woah, Hyun-Jung was calling. That's surprising.

"Hyung! What's up? What's the reason for calling me, and how's Japan I'm excited for our tour next week"

"Junwoo! You're close to Quill giving you guys are the maknae line. Please help him. Maybe we should stage a group intervention, I don't know help me out"

"Q? What's up with him? Did he and Daniel do something at the lake on accident?"

"No. Quill wants to go on hiatus"


Fun Facts~

Jeong-Hoon was the nicest brother to Junwoo and was nice enough to help Junwoo with his dancing. When Junwoo joined the studio he easily became the better sibling and Jeong-Hoon grew jealous of him and when the auditions came around he thought if he got into the debut group then he would become the better sibling but once again Junwoo did better. Jeong-Hoon also was the one who helped Si-woo around the company at first, but then Junwoo butted in and they became friends instead.

 Jeong-Hoon also was the one who helped Si-woo around the company at first, but then Junwoo butted in and they became friends instead

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