Driving to the airport

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Haneul POV~

After enjoying a few hours over at Quill's lake house Hyun-Jung took us to the dorms so we could finish packing up for our tour. The manager walking around to each room checking on everyone making sure we actually packed what we truly needed.

"Daniel! Don't forget the mist spray. Haneul grab the face packs!" Honestly I was starting to get ticked off. Being an idol is cool and all, but I really hate being bossed around.

"Yah! I can't grab the face packs, my suitcase is too full!"

"We need to complete packing in 2 minutes! 2 minutes!"

Seo-Jun was sprinting around the house helping anyone who needed it, since he was the first done. Hyun-Jung got to lay around as well because he just left his luggage in Tokyo with his friends.

"Can't the stylist just carry the face packs and mist spray? They should be the ones to keep all the face stuff" Hyun-Jung said as the manager walked into the living room.

"They already have too much stuff. It doesn't hurt to carry some stuff yourself"

I secretly filled my suitcase with ramyeon packages, just so while in the hotel I could sneak some into the bathroom and eat it. I had no room left in my suitcase for some simple face packs, so I snuck some into Daniel's carry on bag. Our manager kept yelling at us to hurry and pack as we had to get into the van right that moment before we ended up being late to the airport.

"Haneul! You are the last one left! Hurry up, we need you for the tour"

Yeah, I know I shouldn't take forever to finish packing but they won't leave without me. I'm too much of an ace to be left behind, thinking of taking a nap as well.

"Haneul if you don't hurry up Daniel will replace you in the song, even the high notes"

Or maybe they would replace me. "Coming! I'm coming!"

I quickly slid my suitcase across the floor right in front of the door as I ran and grabbed it again quickly throwing it into the fan and hopping into the back.

"Well, well, well. Look who's made it on time, for once in his life" Daniel snickered as Seo-jun started laughing beside him.

"I thought they wouldn't leave behind their main vocalist, I guess I was wrong! I am the only one in this group who can sing that high note for when we do our tour here"

"I actually attempted that note and got so close to hitting it and then it all went downhill after that" Daniel laughed, while Seo-Jun decided to try and take on the note. I think he was worse than my friend Doyoung singing a high note.

"Yeah, I'm glad I'm a rapper" Seo-Jun sulked in his seat as Daniel and I laughed at him.

"Oh man, too bad Quill is missing this" Daniel said through his laughs, as me and Seo-Jun went silent.

"Ah, I miss Quill"

"I wonder if he's on his flight right now heading to America" Seo-Jun said as we all just kind of sulked in our seats thinking about how Quill won't be joining us for our first international tour.

"Hey, let's not be upset. We can call Quill as soon as we can and then we'll tell everything about our concerts. But we need to find someone to calm down Junwoo during dance practice"


"Just because Quill is sick does not mean we can slack off! Our first debut concert is coming up soon, so we must be polished to perfection. Perfection I say! Perfection!" Junwoo marched around like a drill sergeant as we all stood in a line.

"Junwoo Hyung~ we have been practicing for hours. Can't we take a small break?" Daniel begged as everyone was trying to catch their breath.

"Guys we have to be perfect! This is really big, we must show how professional we are for rookies, now come on. Haneul especially you, stop slacking so much, you're always going on about having great stamina because you're an athlete. Yet what do you do? Seo-Jun, what does Haneul do in practice?"

Seo-Jun flinched at the sudden question. "He uh. He can get lazy" Wow Seo-Jun, thought you had my back but I guess not.

"See Haneul! And Daniel, your moves can look awkward at times. Hyun-Jung I know you have had multiple surgeries on your knee, but I can tell you lose energy in your legs. Seo-Jun, you are always a step behind everyone! And Si-woo. You're doing great!"

Flashback ended~

We all shuddered at the thought of Junwoo being a drill sergeant while on this tour.

"I know he's helping us, but damn. He's crazy!"

"Haneul hyung, did you pack face masks into my bag?" Daniel looked up at me as I quickly averted my eyes to the window.

"No clue what your talking about"

"Yah! He filled his suitcase with ramyeon!" Seo-Jun pointed at me, as my ears turned bright red.

Yeah laugh it up now, but once we arrive in America and you want good ramyeon I won't be sharing.

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