Gen10 X SVT (Mafia Game)

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Author's Note: The next couple chapters will have Seventeen involved quite a lot. First off, if I don't end up showcasing all the members in this chapter I will try and involve them more in the next. Second off I'm not a carat, but I do enjoy Seventeen's music and I wanted to involve them because i'm planning on joining their fandom in the future, more when I can tell them apart and have learned all their names which is also the problem. If their character in the story doesn't seem like them I'm sorry.

We were all gathered in a big white room with 20 pillows on the ground for all of us to sit down. Seventeen was behind on schedule, so my group was just sitting around on the pillows talking. Our manager had spread us out and then once Seventeen arrived they would take the empty spots beside us. The first episode we were doing was about a 40 minute episode of multiple rounds of the mafia game and then our second episode was a surprise to us all. Me and Daniel were playing rock paper scissors while everyone else was talking with each other until the door swung open and Seventeen walked in. I was the first to stand up and bow to them saying hello.

"Okay Seventeen take your seats and we will get this started" One of our managers said as they started counting down for the camera people to start filming.

The8 and Woozi were sat beside me and I was slowly dying on the inside. I was fanboying so much I couldn't even handle it and when I looked over at Daniel he was constantly looking back and forth between Wonwoo who was sat on his left and Jun who was sat on his right.

"Today we will be doing a mafia game and before you came in here you picked your roles. There will be three mafias as there are 20 of you and one sheriff and one medic everyone else will be a civilian. Take out all three mafias and you win, if the same amount of civilians is the same as the mafia's, the mafias win. Good luck," The manager said from behind the camera.

"Hoshi is the mafia I call it" Dino said immediately pointing to Hoshi.

"Quill can not be it, he is the worst at lying" Hyun-jung laughed as I felt flustered. Thanks Hyung, for embarrassing me in front of THE Seventeen.

"It has to be someone we least expect. Like Daniel" Mingyu said, trying to convince everyone.

We talked about the possible mafias for at least 10 minutes before we all had to put our head down and cover our eyes as night fell.

"Mafia's please raise your head"

I looked up as earlier I was chosen for the mafia and I looked around the area to see Vernon and S.coups raising their heads as well. Perfect the main rappers of the group. We looked at each other and started mouthing names to see who to kill until we made our first choice.

"Medic please raise your head"

I wonder who the medic was. If it was Daniel I bet he would save me each time. Or betray me and save every Seventeen member.

"Morning has arrived" Everyone raised their heads and some people played along and stretched. "Last night Joshua was walking around Pledis bar when a familiar face came up and attacked him. That morning the townsfolk found him dead. Find the mafia"

Joshua looked around at all of us acting shocked before flopping on the floor playing dead. I wanted to laugh, but I had to act cool. Each Seventeen member started blaming each other and my group just kind of joined in.

"The8, Wonwoo or Hoshi must be mafia" Dino exclaimed as me and Daniel agreed.

"Why are we not suspecting Gen10 members? I say Daniel or Haneul have to be one" Vernon brought up as Haneul immediately started defending himself.

For the next ten minutes we went back and forth between our five choices, The8, Wonwoo, Hoshi, Daniel or Haneul. After they defended themselves, we figured out at least two to decide from.

"Point to who you should vote out first"

We all chose the same person. Wonwoo. We all voted him out and he had a chance to defend himself, but no one believed him so he laid down like Joshua and played dead. Now night has fallen once again.

"Mafia's raise your head"

I looked up and me, Vernon and S.coups made our second choice of who to kill off.

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