• 1 garden •

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I walk slowly, forcing my feet to stand in front of one another. The smell is nice and the weather would usually make me happy, but despite the beautiful birdsongs and the pretty flowers I'm surrounded by, I can't see or hear anything.

I can't believe he did this to me.

It's too much, I succumb, my legs can't bear my weight anymore. I fall to the ground and curl up on myself, my arms around my legs bringing them closer to my chest, wailing and crying the most silently I can. 

I know that this garden is a public space and that people often visit it, that's a thing I used to do with Jong-su before I caught him cheating on me. It hurts so bad, my heart pinches, it's broken.

This garden is my favorite though, all my life, even when I was little, I used to come here, whenever I was sad, scared or just bored.

I thought I was happy with him, but deep inside I always knew that something was wrong, our relationship was never healthy. I should have listened to Ja-ok, my best friend. She never liked him and he didn't like her either.

I thought that his jealousy was cute and that he really cared about me, when he was forbidding things to me and said it was for my sake I believed him. When he was saying my flaws and how bad of a cook I was to his friends and laughed about it I still forgave him. Why did I let all of this slide?

Because I love him, no matter what he's doing to me I still love him.

I had this feeling he was seeing someone else but he kept denying it when I asked him, saying I was the only love of his life. I was right. He was definitely cheating on me.

The scene keeps playing in my head again and again without I can stop it. When I entered the apartment and saw these female shoes that weren't mine and that awful perfume smell, my stomach knotted. And when I approached the bedroom and heard the noise they both were doing- I didn't think and smashed the door open, and saw them on my bed.

The tears I've been holding since I left that apartment are all scrolling down my face right now. Fortunately, despite the cheerful weather, the garden I took refuge in isn't crowded with people and I managed to find a hidden spot behind some bushes.

Jong-Su is probably searching for me right now but I don't want to see him ever again. Not only because he cheated on me and lied about it but because he is such a player and he could persuade me that he didn't do anything wrong and that everything is my fault, he'll make me forgive him and just forget about it. He's so good with words and can always make a situation turns to his advantage. That's why I stayed with him for so long.

Suddenly I'm hearing a group of people approaching the area I'm in. I try to keep it quiet and wait for them to leave after they admired the pretty spring blooms.

It's hard not the make noises when there's so much pain suffocating my heart. I sniffle and put my hand on my mouth keeping the sound of moan of pain inside. I try not to breathe too heavily.

Suddenly I see feet on my right, they seem to be boys' shoes; when I look up, leaves keep me hidden from him so I can't see his face, and hopefully, he doesn't see me either.

The boy just takes a deep breath and you can feel how much he enjoys being this close to nature. It's true that this place is absolutely gorgeous and peaceful. This is probably why my feet brought me here without consulting my brain.

I hear the group moving away. "Are you coming, bro?" A boy's voice asks without discretion.

After a few seconds of silence, the man next to me replies "Comin." He takes one last breath and moves away too. I can't see his feet anymore and the voices and laughter of his friends fade away little by little.

The Truth Untold // Jeon Jungkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now