Chapter 3: Innoccence is Brilliant.

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Chapter 3: Innoccence is Brilliant.

Meanwhile, Zayn and I had started to hang out a little bit more in between classes, and after school ended. He would often walk with me all the way to my job just to spend some time together. And I can’t deny it, it felt good.  He was a great guy he had a lot of things that made him interesting. I have to admit I was still a little embarrassed to accept his invitation of watching him practice on the football field, as I sat on the bleachers pretending to understand the game.

I would take my Ipod out and listen to my party shuffle songs as I saw him do all kinds of stretches, drills, and defense moves. It kind of scared me to watch them practice, they were pretty rough on each other for a couple of times there I thought he was going to get knocked out. He would often look to where I was sitting making sure that I had not left. But I stuck through it all, I mean at the end of it all I didn’t have a lot to do for the rest of my evening and I was having a great time watching him on the field.  

For the first time in my life I wasn’t worried about anything else except living in that moment I had the best feelings running through me, every moment was perfect. It was the first time where I felt like I belonged somewhere I felt safe and happy everything he said was sincere. It’s a feeling so beautiful that it would make you want to cry from all the happiness your feeling inside, like butterflies fluttering in your stomach.



Zayn’s POV:

I wanted put my hands on her hands and feel the warmth of her skin rush through mine every time I hung out with her but the space between us was still there. Her eyes held an innocence I had never seen before, it was unlike any other.  I guess what attracted me the most about Emily was the fact that she didn’t try hard, she was just herself. She didn’t mind that I was one of the popular jocks from school, she didn’t care that I was in the football team because she was never after the attention.

Instead she would like to make her own statement, and if that made her a “loner” in front of others eye then I wanted to be a “loner” too. She had this energy that surrounded her she was always full of light, something that she never wouldn’t let shine through unless you really got to know her. She’s smart, she also has the most beautiful soul anyone could have, and she could see right through me if I lied she called me out on it.  Her innocence was just plain brilliant, she was who she was and she didn’t pretended be anything else. She was the definition of pure beauty in everything.

I waited for a little while after his football practice was done and then went and met Zayn at the exit of the men’s locker room. He came out in his white V neck tee with his denim jean jacket and I even had caught a glimpse of the overexposed edge of his Calvin Klein boxers that came out from his low rise dark denim jeans. He smelled so good, like he had just taken a quick shower and the scent of his cologne which smelled amazing.  

We walked to where his motorcycle was parked outside as I stood there looking at it. He handed me his helmet and said “You coming?” as he winked. I hesitated but at the same time I took a step forward and took hold of his black and silver helmet.  “But wait what about you?” I asked him worried that he didn’t have one available.  He put the helmet on me, as he took it back from my hands as he adjusted it just right as he answered “I don’t need one love, but you do. We don’t anything happening to you, do we?” as he grew a little grin on his face.

He sat on the motorcycle first, as I followed and sat in the back. He took hold of both my hands and wrapped them around his waist. “Don’t feel bad about holding tight, love it might a wild ride.” I immediately begged “Oh please not too wild, I’m kind of scared off falling off.” as he chuckled at my reaction. “Don’t worry I’m just joking with you. Nothing is going to happen.” as he immediately turned on the engine with his tight grip on the handle twisting back and forth. Which he looked very sexy doing I may add. As soon as it started moving and I saw him speed through the streets my heart was pounding off of my chest, and I closed my eyes once or twice as he made his way around the curves. My hands had moved from his waist to the front of his chest taking hold of his tee tightening. I could hear him chuckle and saying you “You okay there babe?” with his cute British accent.  I tried to nod my head but I didn’t answer like he wanted me to.

We ended up at his place, which was not very far from my apartment either, just a couple of blocks. When went inside I stared in awe at the interior design. It was the coolest tidiest place I have seen for a guy that lived there all by himself.  It was pretty clean though I saw a couple of dirty dishes that still hadn’t been clean. But to my surprise there was no mess of articles of dirty clothing or underwear to be seen.  He showed me around his place and everywhere in between there would be photographs of him and his family, Marvel’s posters and collectible figurines; he had definitely added his own touch in all of the rooms. I definitely had notice his Nintendo 3DS game console which he told me he gets very entertained by playing with it when he is bored.

“Would you like something to drink or are you hungry?” he asked very politely. “I’m good, but I’ll take some water. I am kind of thirsty.” I replied back to him as I turned to see the collection of movies he had on display in his shelves. 

I ran my finger on the top cover of all the blu-ray and DVD’s as I went through all of them, and I saw a couple of movies that were my favorites too. “We can watch one if you’d like?” he told me as he brought me the glass of water. “Thanks” I said as I took a hold of the glass and brought it closer to my lips as I drank a sip from it. “No problem, just pick one and I’ll put it on.” he said referring to the movies I had previously had my eyes on. I ended up picking Scarface, because he had talk to me earlier during the day and I wanted to make sure his impression of Tony Montana was spot on.  I gave it to him as he did his impression one more time and laughed as he said “I knew you were going to go for that one”.

We sat there in the couch and watched the whole movie. I could feel Zayn moving in a little closer each time as he laid his arm behind me, I kind of smile but didn’t say a word. It was inevitable not to feel his warmth around me, and mine around him. Later on after the movie had ended he drove me back home in his motorcycle as I thanked him and gave him a kiss on the cheek “I had a really nice time, and you make a great “Tony Montana.” Thank you” I smiled at him. His face quickly blushed and said “Me too see you tomorrow then, goodnight”. I looked at the ground to make him feel more comfortable and then I looked back at his eyes and said “Goodnight”.


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