Chapter 2: One Scoop, Two Scoops.

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  Chapter 2: One Scoop, Two Scoops.

Once we both have jumped the fence out of the little woods and into the street, we just kept walking for a couple blocks more. As he led the way to where the local ice cream shop was. You could feel there was a little tension between him and I. It wasn’t like we both have hangout before together, and this was definitely what you would call “a first time for everything”.

Emily’s POV:

I don’t know what was crazier the fact that I was walking next to Zayn Malik, the hottest British guy from the football team, or the fact that we were on our way to go get ice cream together. Not that it matter to me because I had a boyfriend which the reminder brought fear inside as I thought of the possibility of him finding out about this.  Zayn opened the door to the shop like a total gentleman and I immediately walked over to the counter as I stared at all the ice cream flavors available. My lip still stung but the thought of ice cream made everything else feel better.  I caught myself glancing once or twice at Zayn as he looked at the flavors as well as he bit his lower lip indecisively.  I kept my distance away from him as I still felt awkward standing next to him.

Zayn’s POV:

I stared at Emily a couple of time as we walked on our way to the ice cream shop. A lot of thoughts ran through my head, I tried not to make it too obvious so I didn’t know what to say to make her to feel better and to trust me. I stood there looking over all of the ice cream flavors just like her. She would constantly let her long brunette hair fall of her shoulders and I would notice how her fingers fidgeted with each other. I could tell she was out of her element, and that she was nervous but I couldn’t understand why? I don’t think I had done anything to her. My mind started to wonder what really happened to the cut in her lip. I knew she had lied to me back there just a few minutes ago. Who the hell was her boyfriend and why did he do that? All I knew was that I already disliked this guy. My eyes still looked over the ice cream flavors but my mind wasn’t prepared when the sales girl interrupted me.

“Hi what can I get you hon?” she asked all perky and everything.

“Umm.. hold on..” as I turned my gaze to Emily and chuckled “Hey Emily do you know what you want?” I just stared at her so I could give an answer while I gathered my thoughts.

“Um yeah sure, can I get a scoop of the Cookies and Crème Vanilla please?” her voice sounded soft and innocent.

“And for you?” the sales girl asked me again.

“Umm I’ll have mint chocolate please two scoops. Thank you” I paid for the ice creams and soon they were being handed to us.  I grabbed some napkins but to my surprise Emily had already done that and had grabbed our spoons too. I let her pick where she wanted us to seat. As she chose the booth close to the back of the shop.  I think it was already in her behavior to run and hide from everywhere but why?


“So you like cookies n cream huh?” Zayn asked as he took a spoonful of his mint chocolate ice cream.

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