Woah, Lily. What's that about?

"You know, not for nothing, Namjoon, but you guys are the biggest group in the world. Why can't you start speaking up? Every other artist that is as big as you does, and I know you guys are humble, but that doesn't mean you have to let interviewers treat you like a doormat. You've paid your dues. This is your time! I get that being humble and grateful is a big part of your culture, but I say, talk to the team about it and see what they say!"

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely, plus there is nothing sexier than someone that is confident and demands respect. I think it will actually help your come back. If I were you, on the very first concert of the new tour, I would walk out on that stage and yell, 'Make some mother fucking noise!" Throw down the gauntlet, let them know you didn't come to play. Take no prisoners, Namjoon!"

"I like this advice," he smiles. "The team explained the idea you had about Augst D and his mixtape just started charting in the States again. They are acting like it is a brand new album. A few big named celebs have been adding his songs to their social media videos and acting as they loved his music all along. It was an impressive plan you hatched and it's working!"

I give him a knowing smile and we get back to work. The collaborative process feels like the way you hope a perfect marriage might feel. Namjoon works so hard at his craft, and I'm impressed with his skills. I have a great deal of experience writing lyrics but more for straight pop songs, rapping is not my forte, and to watch him display his skills takes my breath away.

We've been working for hours when Namjoon stretches his arms up into the air and moves his head from side to side. "Want to have ramyeon?" he asks, rubbing his hand absentmindedly across his stomach, and I wonder if there are some abs hiding under his shirt that my hand could explore.

"Namjoon, did you just ask me to Netflix and chill with you?" I say innocently, but then I can't contain my laughter when his eyes stretch as wide as saucers.

I double over with laughter, and I'm practically snorting. "I'm sorry, I have an inappropriate sense of humor."

He joins in, his dimples making an appearance, and it makes me happier than it probably should

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He joins in, his dimples making an appearance, and it makes me happier than it probably should.

A short time later, ramyeon in hand, we sit on my couch and enjoy a break.

"Woah, this is so good. So you said you enjoy reading, what are you reading right now?" he questions between slurps.

"This might be strange but every few years I like to reread The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. I always enjoy the hell out of that book, and I like to revisit it. It really stands up to the test of time."

Namjoon looks surprised, "I loved that book!"

"Well, then you have good taste! The entire series is great. I actually have the compilation." I smile and clumsily miss my mouth with my chopsticks splashing noodles across my cheek.

As I'm chuckling at my lack of coordination skills, Namjoon casually reaches out and runs his finger over my cheek, wiping away my mess, and our eyes meet as I freeze in place. It feels like moments are stretching into years, but the spell is broken when he hands me a napkin, seemingly a bit flustered himself.

"So, I have a question," I say as a devilish grin grows across my face. "When my knee is completely healed, are you going to bring me Namjooning?"

I can't stifle my laughter as he groans and rolls his eyes. "You want to go Namjooning, huh?"

"Very much, I saw a girl at the market the other day with a baby blue sweatshirt that said 'Namjooning' with an embroidered bicycle on it. I am totally getting one after you show me the way of the Namjoon." I say teasing him.

"Are you serious? Somebody is selling sweatshirts with that on there?"

"Oh, it's not just sweatshirts! There is all kinds of merchandise out there. ARMYs are super creative! Really, I love them!"

My hair is annoying me today, and I take it down and pull it back up into a messy bun piled on top of my head and feel his eyes on me.

My hair is annoying me today, and I take it down and pull it back up into a messy bun piled on top of my head and feel his eyes on me

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"You are one of a kind, Lily! I will definitely bring you 'Namjooning' someday."

We enjoy the rest of our lunch discussing Namjoon's favorite books and movies before we start laying down some tracks.

Boyfriend material. The man is all husband vibes but wrapped up in the body of a god. Jesus Christ!

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