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Flame's POV (Just before Flame leaves to do something)

"Did he vomit all over your floor again baby sis?" Jace asks, I look up and my eyes light up. I run up to him and jump into his arms. "Flame, Jason what have I told you guys about drinking?" Mother asks in her motherly tone, We're in big trouble. Aiyana says. I give Jace a pleading look and he nods. "Mother let it go, they're fine." Jace tries reasoning with mother. "Actually Helene..." Ryder speaks up and everyone looks at him. "Can I talk to my mate?" He ask emphasizing my and mate.

"You have a mate?" Jace asks looking amused, I roll my eyes and look down at my phone. The message said: Flame we have found your father and he is in ER. I check to see the message came from Nicole. "Can we talk about this later?" I ask mum "No this is-" Mum starts but I cut her off. "You can ground me or something but I really need to go do something." I say already half way out the door, she nods and I sprint all the way to the pack doctors.

I burst through the doors to see Nicole pacing impatiently, she stops and hugs me really tightly. Something's wrong. I say barely above a whisper. "It's your father." She sniffs and I feel my frustration rising every second that she spends stalling. "He's got really bad injuries and he may not make it through the night." She goes into another fit of sobs, I stand there frozen for a couple of minutes. I push Nicole away and run outside while shifting, shredding all of my clothes. I howl at the moon, I howl a sad and painful howl, a howl of heartbreak and failure. I receive howls from my pack and some howls that I recognized as Ryder's pack. Alpha why are you howling? A voice asked.

Alpha is everything alright? Another asks, I continue to ignore the concerned voices of my members and carry on back to my mother. How do we tell her that her mate is slowly dying? I ask Aiyana for advice, Aiyana is an ancient wolf spirit so she has had lots of experience. She may be old but she acts like she should at seventeen, I don't know, I really wish I did. She whispers and howls inside my head. Flame is everything alright? Are you hurt? Jason's voice interrupted my chat with Aiyana. Flame where are you? And what's wrong? Mother asks. Why are you howling Flame and I want an answer!! Jace asks.

Wait. Just let me get back home. I say, I open my link to every single member in this pack. There is a pack meeting in 5 minutes it is not compulsory, but if you want to know why I howled then you can come. I say to them and slam my link shut.

In less than a minute I'm back home and I put on black skinny jeans with a black singlet, I jog downstairs where Ryder and everyone else were waiting. Ryder walks up to me and puts an arm around my waist causing several gasps, I stand up on a chair so everyone can see me and clear my throat so I have everyone's attention. "I apologize for calling yet another pack meeting. Mathew, my father is still alive..." I pause briefly waiting for the chatter to die down again, after several minutes I sigh frustrated at the chatters. I really don't feel like raising my voice. "Enough!!!" Ryder shouts causing everyone to instantly shut up. "As I was saying he is alive but not for long." I raise my hand signalling for them to let me finish.

"When my Beta and her search team found him, he was beaten very badly, he may not make it through the night. Though I know that my father is a fighter and will not give up, Nicole wouldn't let me see him so I can not tell you how he's doing. But I do not want anyone visiting him for safety issues." A male raises his and and I beckon for him to speak. "But we would never hurt our former alpha." He argues making Ryder growl at him, I smile a gentle smile. "I know you would never purposely hurt the Alpha but word gets around fast in this world, so the less people that know about his well being the better. I assure you guys that if something major happens then I will have to pack informed, I advise to leave your mind links open so I can reach you." I grin making the members look at me like I've lost my marbles.

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