So united yet so seperated part 14

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Religion the only way to God, what does religion mean what does it contribute to our existence is it profound or just another failed idea racism was a failed idea still is but yet it consumes the world as profound
The word religion seems to have a meaning of its own then to what it actually represents but seemingly so its a definition not many can question to recieve an answer or perhaps even re interpret the whole thought of it why would it be called religion and why does it deal with God and certain aspects of how we think of life, the fear is tremendous to those who have been exposed to the theology and religions
As there is no other to know then That. A world with religion is a world with chaos, a world with authority is a world with slaves a world with money is a world with poverty a world with believers is a world with deceivers
To this world i say unto the people change the way you see it and feel it
Perhaps consider how the matrix trilogy was not just some movie but a certain truth, half truth. That we all are in a jail that is not visible to our five senses but our sixth where our minds are harvested of creativity and innocents an in escapabled fortress of pleasures that seem to keep on coming
And a world that seems to be changing but not internally a world that seems to value the external more than the internal a world not able to see beyond itself but within itself. We are the center each an every one of us a point of consciousness through which our brains are the receivers and being it that everybody is the center of consciousness in the universe we all happen to feel as if everything that's happening is happening where we are and not much happens when we aren't elsewhere but the center which ourselves which Alan watts put out as each one of us being a "God head" a whole of another whole but yet also a part of another part yet we can't grasp that idea that we are better meant to be better humans don't evolve  neither does evolution exist the way darwin presents his theory of evolution he seems to forget about the certain way humans adapt, by changing the environment we simulate a different environment that is capable of sustaining us and along with that destroying ourselves being it that we chose to change our environment instead of being apart of it we help evolve what's around us as we see through perspective perhaps explain this better would be that a man is only able to see how far his mind let's him not his eyes a blind person my Have never seen reality, yet they still participate in by having a mind that sees reality without open eyes a car was once a carridge a carridge was once a wheel a wheel was once a circle a circle was once just existing as is with no certain use but being a circle but a human is able to evolve this and turn into something else other then a circle or maybe the best example is the phone from transmitting frequencies of sound we transmit images and much more we can now infact even see each other through screens of our phones let alone capture images with it but when it first started it was no where near as what it is now because we evolved the idea of the phone and we still are and it is certainly so that everything done before is now done an evolved form such as civilizations, before it seemed only a few existed and were controlled by systemic mornachs who ensured its progress and sustainability but somehow they all seem to have failed as they couldn't handle disasters but it mainly seemed to be the event of the great flood that wiped out civilizations before we and this flood came with reason of its own and an outcome that has us thinking that the same catalyst to the flood, is what we are indebted to.
We kept the idea of religion but it has evolved also, not to the point of recognizing a a point of keeping a system alive. religion was given to many and some took it themselves others don't except it and most are out to prove its absolete and which is much likely the reason we have been in war with ourselves why did Hitler really do it why did he become one of the worst men in history. Because there are minds that are weak and minds that will repeat. A person whose weak minded is easily manipulated a mind that repeats never thinks but both are just how you use your mind Hitler hated the jews and so his reasons to it became the reasons for those who weren't jews and weren't able to think because Hitler already thought for them he blessed them with an idea that was for himself which became repeated and was for the nazi
And does it say the same Europe when it came down to Africa just before the wars that the world could take place and gave this place value but not because it sheltered them along their voyages but because it had resources that seem to belong to nobody and it was created that taking Africa or in the best way the put the scramble for Africa was merely because someome had the idea to do so and other minds repeated the idea the best part was that even though these men from a different land came with the intentions of harm they brought along with them the Bible  and so with this Bible they went out to the people told them what they did was evil and that everything shall be given to the lord, their lives understanding mentality soul everything belongs to the lord they come with and so the book things fall apart by chunua achebe illustrates perfectly how the influence of the Bible had taken over the minds of the people through the way they lived and through the way they saw life they did see good and evil but not in the way the book the white people brought to Africa showed them the book infact stated everything that they did was evil and no good yet they had their own ideas of evil and good as the story entales of the one man who kept to his true tradition, Okonkwo. But this isn't just any ordinary story of a man fighting to have his tradition this is story of how africa slowly fell into the dark age of racism, even though the religion of Christianity came forth from the lands of Europe it was in the African that the chronicles of this book would happen but yet it seem to be of no concern to the colonizers or perhaps the world was just to different back then to actually paint a picture of what was really going on, but it really is alot that went on and the proof is all around us and so is it embedded in our ancestrial memorial yet we seek no truth for it to resonate, we seek comfort to feel safety and the only way the people had been convinced was by the how the safety that the book brought to the people who excepted and along with it excepted the ideas that it brought of how the son of the lord would save all of one day in his return
And promises of a better land a land of milk and honey, heaven. But for those who refrain from the ideas that the book brought was to burn eternally in the depths of hell a place where the devil had been cast for defying the lord and if so, a powerful creation such as Satan is in hell what of you, a human.once people had taken it upon themselves that it was safe it was better it was holy. They rid of themselves the ideas of which their ancestors had left the knowledge and stories of how we came about all deleted perhaps not entirly but just archived as less important to the religion the book had brought and the knowledge in contained of how we began and how we are homeless beings chased from our home eden for the inconvenience of eve and the serpent by the one we call God, our creator. Which is unlikely a full truth a book that contains half truths and false information to make up the one true lie that exists as religion
Perhaps God did say yes to it as our test to find him that we should all worship him in different names but yet with that he'd have spefic religions that state no other religion or God should be worshipped other then itself which is perplexing, who is going to hell?
And who is going to heaven?.

So United Yet So Seperated:the Human ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now